Friday, July 29, 2011

Canadian Geese & Ducks~ Whiskeytown Lake

It's summer time and I am wishing we were on the lake. So far haven't made it this year. Seems like there's always something else going on or on the days we have free, the wind will be howling making boating difficult.
But as I am sitting here on a triple digit afternoon, can't help but dream of the lake. So I sorted through some of my pictures of previous outings and relived those. :)
When we settle on the little island we usually chose early in the day, we have visitors of the feathered kind. Geese, Canadians in this case and also ducks.
They are always looking for a handout. When they hear paper rustling, pretty soon, there they come. We do our best to ignore them of course, following the lake rules, but now and then a breadcrumb does fall into the deep. Whiskeytown is so crystal clear that you can see the bread go down, down, down and all of the sudden large golden trout appear and snatch the crumbs out of the water. If the geese and ducks miss them that is. Maybe next week.

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