Monday, April 25, 2011


With spring finally arriving at long last, everything is in bloom. At our house, the bees and bumble bees are present in huge numbers, which is a blessing. Especially given the honey bees precarious state in so many places.
But the other day, while walking through the Botanical Gardens with a friend, I captured this beautiful butterfly, enjoying a sip from the blooming Ajuga. While this species is bright metallic blue-green on the inside of the wing, didn't realize until I downloaded my images the even the outside has color. What a beauty


  1. How nice that you captured that beautiful butterfly. It's stunning.

    Here along the coast, the bees have yet to come out, no butterflies either. Not yet. Soon. Just this weekend, the first of the gold finches arrived so know the rest of spring's seasonal fauna is not far behind.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely pic and posting.

  2. Thanks Pam! Glad you stopped by for a visit. Hope spring finds you real soon.
