Monday, April 18, 2011

Lavender Bumble Bee

I know this picture isn't terribly crisp and clear. But I loved the way that Bumble Bee was hanging onto the Spanish Flag Lavender. His heavy, striped body, dangling on slender legs, with his wings down behind him, translucent. You can see the flower head behind , through the "windows" of the wings. And though they are plump of body, they move rapidly from blossom to blossom. So very difficult to capture them sitting still for a moment. By the time I would focus and bring him up close, he would usually be gone again.


  1. Hallo Evi,
    bei euch sieht es jetzt bestimmt schön bunt aus, bei uns fängt es auch an zu blühen. Am Donnerstag fliegen wir zu Achims 60. Geburtstag nach Teneriffa für 1 Woche.
    Dann schicke ich dir Bilder vom Urlaub.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Toll. Viel Spass!! Wuenschte ich koennte beim feiern mithelfen. :)
    Alles liebe von uns allen.

    Und ja, es blueht ueberall und die Unkraeuter wachsen unglaublich.
