Monday, May 30, 2011

Black Elderberry

Last year we planted an Elderberry Bush. We do live on Elder Creek after all. But rather then plant one of the regular Elderberries, I found a black variety which features dark stems and leaves and delicate pink flowers, rather then the normal green leaves with white flowers.
It wasn't an easy starter. Sadly, the place we planted it was one heavily visited by the dogs while saying hello to our neighbor at the fence. So they nearly trampled it to death. Finally Richard came to the rescue and put a wire safety fence around it.
As the spring season started, the remaining parts of the bush came to life slowly. Then new branches sprouted from the base of the plant. Finally as time passed our Elderberry bush started getting taller and taller, with beautifully colored leaves and then flower buds started appearing. As time goes by, new flowerheads keep popping up. I love the color of both the shrub itself and the wonderful flowerheads. If they get pollinated, we'll even have Elderberries . Should we not have enough for jam, the birds will be happy to dine on them as well.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

King Tut & Beauregard

This is an image I took 2 years ago this coming July. Our beautiful Beauregard aka BeauBear, left us 3 weeks after I took this photo. He's the regal looking Shepherd/Rottweiler Mix in the background.
The big, silly looking boy peering through the gate is King Tut who will be 7 in July. BeauBear did his best to teach Tutter all he needed to know before leaving us.
Tut is a Pitbull Mix. A lovely boy, though a bit nuts at times. When excited to see friends, he does a frantic, wiggly dance. Therefore he's also known as the Mambo King.
Sadly he has severe arthritis in his left hind knee, but despite the daily pain he endures, he's mostly in good spirits and takes his meds like a good boy. As long as they are liberally coated with catfood or liverwurst.

Monday, May 23, 2011


This year, as I am starting to replace plants in some of my containers , I've decided going with succulents. They are much more forgiving when it comes to summer heat. It's amazing, so many colors and textures. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy them over the more colorful plants I usually keep in pots, but I am starting to enjoy them and they're thriving. The two I am sharing here remind me of tiny, little cabbages, or roses. Since planting them a month ago or so, they've already started spreading in their pots.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


And then there are the roses.
We have about 40+ bushes of them. And though we give them only minimum care, they thrive. This year we are battling black spot, due to our long, wet spring, but they bloom regardless. Especially the lighter roses shine at dusk, just before night falls.
The rose in the first picture Richard bought me in a small pot at Trader Joe's a few years back. After it was done blooming, I moved it to a larger pot and stuck it in the corner, next to our fence. It must have send a taproot into the ground because it now takes up the entire corner in that area. It's probably 3-4 ft. wide and again that high. Covered from head to toe in fragrant, sweet blossoms and buds. I don't know the name of it, nor the name of the exquisite bud below the first picture. That wonderful, butterscotch colored rose gets the most perfect buds and open into huge, long-lasting flowerheads. The open flowers are as big as my hand.
I could post pages and pages of rose pictures alone. But you'll enjoy them more a few at a time.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Gathered a bouquet of flowers and thought I'd share them with you. The roses are amazing this year. loaded with blossoms. At the moment rain is threatening, but they shine, even on this grayish day. What a joy!! Though the garden work seems to be endless, what a wonderful, scented reward in the end.
Wishing you all a Happy Mother's day!! And yes, those with fur children only do qualify! ;-)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This year has been a good year for Iris. Even those who hadn't bloomed in a season or two suddenly decided to surprise us this year. So I wanted to share a few of the more spectacular ones with you. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as we do.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In Memory of Teddy

Today we laid to rest our wonderful boy Teddy. He was 14 years old and will be missed sorely.
He was born here the year after we moved permanently to the country. His only direct remaining sibling is Siegfried, our Silver Tabby.
He was laid to rest next to his brother Cheetah, on a bed of Lambs Ear leaves, mixed with Lavender buds, Rose petals, cedar chips and Lemon Balm branches.
We planted a Magnolia on his grave.
It will be some time before the pain of his leaving will get easier.
But he will live on in our memory always. His deep purr, his abiding affection and love. And last but not least, even his annoying drooling no doubt. Every passionate encounter with him would leave me full of damp dribbles. You were well loved my boy, and will always be in our hearts. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Flutterbye Rose

As you can properly tell by now, I love capturing visitors to the flowers.
I think this might be a Wood Bee, it's nearly all black with just those few, thin stripes on the abdomen. I don't often see them visiting. Mostly we're inundated with Honey Bees and Bumble Bees. Right now everything is in fresh bloom and the bushes are humming with activity.

Chinese Foxglove

I thought it only fitting to move into May with the flowers that are bursting into bloom throughout the garden. This is one of my favorite ones. Chinese Foxglove. A much looser habit then the ordinary Digitalis. I reseeds itself year after year. I love the intricate patterns in the throat of each flower.