Tuesday, July 3, 2018

JULY 2018

Sol now slowly slips 
into a red gold liquid 
amber haze smoke tinged
by fires hours away
today's mood has changed
fierce heat has a soft
edge to it tawny lion gold
valley lies as if autumn
hovers near though we know
months of high summer are
ahead of us for today we'll
savor this short reprieve
sweet promise of cooler
seasons to come much later
in the year of course
for now we are welcoming 
this sudden sweet mellowness 
our gratitude ripens
along with the first blushing plums

Red orb entangled
deep eerie fierce glow
blood orange sky

Waking slowly....acrid taste
of smoke bitter on the tongue
Sol rises swathed in smokey robes
fierce fire god's eye surveying
all below as if searching for fuel
defiantly I turn the sprinklers on
for just a short while leaving
our green oasis protected by water
hummingbird dances pirouettes
among the dripping leaves..morning bath

Chiffon tutus
dancing in the breeze
floral ballet

Technicolor sunset
right overhead
first bat's nightflight

Lush silken fabric
woven on the heavens
rare celestial gift

Deep carmine heart
center of it's universe
delightful stamens
fragile petals radiate outward
stretching roseate wings into the world
sharing her subtle beauty for just one day



Describe one item in your bathroom

Suspended on a translucent string
turning in the lightest breeze
small sea urchin shell spill tendrils
of spanish moss from it's belly
giving the illusion of a landborn
jelly fish floating on thin air
pale green-gray moss turns a darker
livelier shade of green in the humidity
of the shower or from an occasional
fine misty spray keeping it alive
lovely bit of beauty among the much
more mundane items on the surface below

Cheerful group of late hatchlings appeared
speckled cotton balls on toothpick legs
undulating like a wave between their
parents who are on high alert Mom leading
Dad bringing up the rear watching for danger
some chicks hatched earlier this year
already nearly adult size making these
latecomers look tiny beyond belief
already the wee ones are pecking and
scratching eagerly in the dirt under the
watchful eye of their proud parents
Ming is on lockdown after scattering
their tiny ones all over the ivy patch
Richard was scolded and chased trying
to get to the frontporch while baby
roundup was under way...family finally
safely gathered making their way swiftly
to the back of the property for a nap
after this high adventure in the garden
late this afternoon Mom and chicks
appeared from under a pile of cutoffs
stacked securely for that very purpose
Dad watching quietly in the Manzanita
squirrel made the mistake of wanting
to meet the chicks...Dad made short
work of that sending squirrel on his way
muttering to himself fluffy tail flicking
but scrambling quickly up the nearest pine




I've barely scratched the surface
of adjusting to this new reality
aging limbs now throbbing and worn

I've barely scratched the surface
of this once slim and lithe body
now trapped in a larger vessel

I've barely scratched the surface
of this new journey into the unknown
traveling at an alarming speed

I've barely scratched the surface
of getting to know this new me
carefully tasting the waters of age

I've barely scratched the surface
of embracing and being at peace
with this new to me landscape

I've barely scratched the surface
of combining my inner youth
with my outer shell defying me

I've barely scratched the surface
of battling this new foe
trying to slow me down...hey, not so fast!!!

Perched on the shady side
woodpecker awaits the cooling stream
preening in sprinkler's path
enjoying amenities offered by the keeper
of the magic faucet which releases the gift

Tranquil still life
welcome oasis only moments ago
teaming with guests


I was sleeping slowly slipping into the strangest dream
leaving the earth's atmosphere in an unusal airplane
headed for the moon I bet as it comes every nearer
maybe I am going to leave a bare footprint on that dusty
planet though really I'd rather think of Luna as a glowing
goddess looking down on us spilling her radiant rays
but this is a dream after all nothing is ever the same
in that strange land if you know what I mean because
while flying through the dark singing space a school of
odd fish swam by their iridenscent scales glittering
blowling bubbles that drifted endlessly on sky currents
now and then a falling star streaked past me hissing
using my hand I follow it's trail until it disappears
suddenly a gray leathery face appears huge dark eyes
studying me carefully as if contemplating my fate
I knew I should have looked over my shoulder making
sure I wasn't being followed by aliens while on this
lunar adventure but suddenly he smiles and disappears
oddly enough I feel kind of sad and bereft just think
of all the knowledge I might have been allowed to gather
that's the way it is with dreams though isn't it 
they often leave you confused wondering what it all means

Rose gold enchantress
forged by fire
Lady Luna rises
balm for scorched souls
may her light bring blessings

Looking out the window
I can't believe my eyes
our world shrouded in smoke

In Praise of Honeybees
Arriving just after sunrise
determined to gather
all the nectar they can carry
forgetting the fires
I follow them to the source
flowers just waking to the sun
I can't believe how
determined they tackle the task
searching each blossom
looking for entry often
wiggling with determination
until making their way deep
into the hearts of blossoms
barely opened as of yet
such beauty such a blessing
I can't believe how lucky
we are to host these precious bees