Sunday, April 8, 2012

Amazing clouds

I was just looking through some old pics and came across these photos I took nearly 10 years ago. We were having some really weird weather coming through and these huge clouds would build like mad. Boiling, alive. It was amazing.
Thought I would share them.
In one image the moon can still be seen. This was taken sometime midday.

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Chauffeur

Though he can't be seen all that well, had to include my" chauffeur" as well. This is my cheerful husband Richard who's patiently waiting while I am snapping some pics.
While we don't get a chance to go on road trips very often, always so much fun when we get out there. I know I can count on him to come to a screeching halt (if traffic allows) or even turn back if it wasn't safe to pull over at the "right" spot. Thank you, my dear!!!
Couldn't do it without you. We make a great team and have for nearly 30 years. Time flies when you're having fun. :)

Road Trip

Yesterday we took a road trip. Dual purpose. One to return our granddaughter Ashlee to her Mom, the other to look in on our old neighbors, Jack and Dorothy.
We were sad to see our girl head home, but happy that she still loves coming up, year after year. Our old neighbors are getting on in years, so had to make a side trip to see how they're faring.
It was a long day. But we were happy we made it. On our home back home I managed to take a couple of pics. They came out fairly nice, so decided to share them.
My "chauffeur" Richard, who cheerfully does most of the driving was happy to stop now and then to allow me to take some shots to finish out our day.
Most of the pics were taking in the foothills around Double Springs, along Hwy 12. Some wonderful scenery out there and the weather was perfect. Along one area the hills and oak groves are full of amazing rock formations.