Friday, February 1, 2013


Semi-precious stones
strung together mindfully, bead by bead
chosen for their healing and calming properties,
wrapping my wrist in a smooth circle of comfort.

February 2nd, 2013

Headed to town
the drive, never monotonous
in the distance Mt. Shasta
head veiled in fog
foot snug in a comforter of clouds
magical as always
shimmering on the horizon like a mirage

I must fly, early yoga today

February 3rd, 2013

The delicate shading of the Eastern sky as the sun leaves us,
luscious apricot blending into rose
then pearlescent lavender
finally settling at the foot of the Sierras
in a smudge of smokey blue

February 4th, 2013

There you are, Brave one,
daring winter
rising on slender stalk,
head held up high,
turning your shining face to the sun

February 5th, 2013

Tackling old mounds of herbs with secateurs
finding under dead frizzy heads
new  hopeful growth.
as I cut, sweet scent of Oregano rises,
then a sharp citrus smell Melissa.
stepping back I bruise volunteer Garlic Chives
aromatic scents  easing the labor
catmint smell is a bit odd leaving me unmoved,
but not twitching cat noses nearby
they too feel first stirrings of the season to come
buds are swelling but it's early yet winter is not done with us

February 6th, 2013

Years past, our orchard rang with the sound of chickens
contently clucking  announcing eggs freshly laid with pride
now they rest beneath the trees giving nourishment to those
who gifted them with shade on brutal summer days and provided
treasures found upon the ground...... fallen fruit
our destination  the local egg farmer where the feathered girls
are free-roaming  laying eggs with burnished golden yolks
not the same as gathering our own but it'll do 
soft-boiled with toast.

Sunshine is beckoning, calling me out
away from savoring stones.
While their pull is strong ,
Sun and Garden win.

February 7th 2013

It never ceases to amaze me
that while I am sitting here, sunshine spilling through the window
my fellow stoners are burning the midnight oil across the sea
I imagine them, sitting in dark rooms, blueish light
illuminating their faces, fingers moving swiftly
weaving words like spells in the dark
though it's light here, I feel like a nightowl,
hunting to find their nocturnal offerings.

Exit Stone

She dipped her hands deeply into the river of stones
bringing up a handful  pulling them above the surface
savored and admired them losing track of time
looking up and suddenly realizing
the day is nearly done where did it go
so much left undone time to run

February 8th, 2013

Azure skies
last Hawthorne berries dangle
tempting birds.

February 9th, 2013

Cold sunny day tree frogs creak

February 10th, 2013

Blue Jays, Lords of Chaos,
raiding bird feeders and nests
descending on the garden in flocks
like swaggering gang members.
Maddening screeches filling the air
until at times I too feel like screeching.
Chaos reins, little birds scatter to the seven winds.
Then one settles, turning a bright, inquisitive eye my way,
sunlight striking blue feathers, how can I not be charmed?
You're forgiven.............for now. 

   February 11th, 2013

To celebrate the occasion of another birthday
my dear one gifted me,
not with diamonds,
but a rare stone I've
coveted for some time.
A deep, forest -green Moldavite.

Gift from the Gods that's what they say
I shall try my hand at wire-wrapping this
sky stone, said to have been created by meteor impact
along the banks of the River Moldau hence it's name
so instead of writing stones I shall attempt to wrap
this treasured stone to keep it close to my heart.

February 12th, 2013

No shrinking violets here
From the debris of last year rises hope
brave faces yearning for spring.

February, 13th, 2013

Rosy jet contrail scribblings on
evening sky
Crescent moon floating

February 14th, 2013

Sunny morning
birds buffeted by wind
dipping and swirling between trees

February 15th, 2013

First open buds
a flush of delicate pink
transforming wild Almonds
bursting into flowered song
under clear blue skies
bees celebrate and share the joy
humming songs of early spring
yet a cold Northwind exhales
Winter's breath..,. it's early yet

February 16th, 2013

Two very personal offerings I wanted to place here today.
The first an Elfje, the second a 6 word stone.
Written while working through some bad news
our boy
so much love
shines from your eyes
Too soon
you will
be gone

Sun shines
mood lightens
woodland walk

February 17th, 2013

How many seasons did you see
before one spring your sap rose no more
leaving you bereft of leaf
each winter storm brings down more
of once sturdy branches
leaving your great trunk standing
like a sentinel keeping watch
offering a resting place for the occasional hawk
who briefly shares your solitude

February 18th, 2013

fat bud
today pink petal
slowly unfurling delicate wings


Laying on my back
staring up into the intensely blue sky
not a cloud in sight, gentle breeze stirring
courting doves cooing, squabbling sparrows
fill the warm air with sound.

We all savor this sunny afternoon
knowing in our bones the next winter storm
is gathering strength off shore
they by instinct, myself by slight pressure in my skull
build in barometer, forecasting change
So we bask like turtles, soaking up reserves
to see us through gray, cold days yet to come. 

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

colored clouds
feast for eyes
bringing with them change

February 20th, 2013

Gray, downy layers
clouds heaped upon clouds
like a heavenly duvet
stretching to the horizon
as far as the eye can see
there in the distance a silvery veil descends,
far off rain, connecting earth and sky


Where did they come from, all of these words?
Had they been stored in the drawers of my mind all along?
Waiting to be released from the darkness
brought to light, stretching, spilling onto the page.
It startles me at times how suddenly I seem to see them everywhere
in the clouds, trees and all of nature
Which I've always seen and loved before
but now I see it all through different eyes, their eyes it seems.
They ask to be captured, then written upon my page.
Such joy as I gently place my feet into my father's footsteps
following the path he laid for me those many years ago
I would sit on his knee, gazing up spellbound, listening as he
too would capture words from thin air it seemed.
Now here I sit, weaving my own spells with words.
He would be pleased I think, knowing that those seeds
he planted long ago are finally starting to grow and bear fruit.

February 21st, 2013

blue jewels
one two three
flitting branch to branch

February 22nd, 2013

silent flight
golden eyes glow
magic in the grove


Eckhart Tolle
Fellow country man
filled with wisdom
looking for all the world
like a wise Hobbit
who might reside beneath
the roots of an ancient, majestic oak,
home to an equally wise owl.
I like to envision Eckhart, meeting up
with the Dalai Lama to discuss world peace.
There by that oak, in a sun filled clearing,
surrounded by flowers and sunshine
bees humming, birds singing.
With both lighting up the world,
moving us along in our evolution toward a
perfect planet, filled with PEACE.
The sleeping owl opens her golden eyes briefly
approving the wise words overheard and blinks.

February 23rd, 2013

Early morning tea
Fragrant steam rises

February 24th, 2013

Dead coyote, tail lifts briefly in the wind
unseeing eyes staring at the sky
once running free and wild
covering miles in your travels
feasting on field mice, raising families.
But here you lay
victim of the guns of foolish men
who kill not for food, like you
but for bloody pleasure
claiming getting rid of vermin
is for the good of all.
But what about you and your life?
Have you no worth?
Was this not your land first?
Hot, helpless tears blur my vision.
As we pass...I mourn you and your kin. 

Sunday Evening
glowing eye
nearly full term
suspended in mid air

February 25th, 2013

Illuminated by Luna's
silvery rays the garden sleeps
Tree branches like dark,inky fingers
reaching to the nightsky,
cradling the moon
Canyon, once dark and mysterious
tonight brightly lit
The land , known and loved
can now be walked easily, no flashlight needed
each nook and cranny awash in celestial light.
I listen to the night sounds.
The occasional bird talking in his sleep,
Frogs in vernal ponds noisily announcing they're looking for love
yearning for a little moonlight romance no doubt
I am sure the little fox will easily find his way to the
porch tonight, in search of a midnight snack.
Boldly walking the railing, bushy tailed, bright eyed,
pointed snout quickly emptying the bowl.
Then slipping away quickly, back into the silvery night.

February 26th, 2013

Fierce north wind
blooming plum branches sway
bees join the dance
lured by sweet scents
they ruffle the skirts of dainty ballerinas
plundering sweet treasure
of nectar and pollen
Then again taking to the air
battling the wind
carrying golden bounty
back to the hive.

February 27th, 2013

cover opens
life returns again
colors spill on face


vibrantly alive
shimmering on rock
graceful curves rainbowed droplets

February 28th, 2013

The gift of another day
some good, some not so good
yet we carry on
savor each moment
relieved at each pill swallowed
each bite eaten.
Enjoying the silly smile
and wagging tail, the occasional
burst of energy,
out the door to the fence
to survey his kingdom, tail held high
Long live the King!!