Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24th-30th, 2014

November 24th, 2014
Drops of autumn color
tremble in the
cool morning breeze

November 25th, 2014
Give thanks to the Universe
for wonderful messy trees
though they fling their leaves
carelessly untidily in autumn
they give so much more
exhaling oxygen providing
us with the very air we need
to sustain our own small lives
Giving generous cool shade
on even the hottest days
sheltering us providing food
their lush exquisite beauty
such endless form and shape
how bereft our world would be
without their regal presence
Blazing vivid color bringing
light into the darkest wet day
leaves dancing down gracefully
blanketing the cold ground
giving life and sustaining soil
thus feeding the very earth
honor them protect them
cherish their sacred presence

November 26th, 2014
Splash of exotic color
truly brightens
even the grayest day

November 27th, 2014
Today we are most thankful
for such rich beauty found
in most each and every day
treasured friends~who add
deep richness to our lives
bright flowers which nourish
shining bright~adding light
thankful for the riches of
the roof above our heads
food to nourish our bodies
good health~allowing us to do
everything that needs doing
today we pause~giving most
heartfelt thanks for the many
bountiful blessings in our lives

November 28th, 2014
Languidly she reclines
resting against a velvet sky
now and then white silken
clouds drift across her face
high up in the sky she glows
afloat in a pool of pale amber
outshining even the brightest
stars~twinkling by her side
like brilliant celestial diamonds

November 29th, 2014
Sitting so comfortably
in pleasant company
add small shots of brew
to most savory food
putting all at the table in
a most jovial mood

November 30th, 2014
Near day's end clouds briefly part
pool luminescent light splashes
across the ominous stormy sky
surrounded by inky silhouettes
sparrow bravely sings a lullaby
gentle night wind rocks him to sleep

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 17th-23rd, 2014

November 17th, 2014
High above our heads
Canadians stream by
hurriedly trying to outrun
the bitter cold reach 
of the Arctic Express
pushing hard they fly high
in a clear blue sky
dotted like musical notes
on the overland wires
traveling avian symphony
composed on the wing

November 18th, 2014
Frosty autumn morning
finds feathered friends
flying in for a landing
eagerly eyeing seed 
buffet laid down below 
finding the offerings
to their liking~down they
flutter~a whir of wings
one last look around
all's well~let's eat!!!

November 19th, 2014
Monochromatic landscape lies
draped in heavy gray mizzle
overhead cawing hoarsely
crows flying high pierce
shrouds of misty veils
the only sign of life
as we crossed
the prairie

November 20th, 2014
On the electrical lines
seven doves wait
patiently for the
feeding frenzy
below to
Symbol of peace
cooing so softly
they fly down
angel wings
Getting their turn now
at last the long wait
is over sparrows
and blue jays
finally had

Ode to a Prince of a Cat
Siegfried 1997~2014
Today he left us~ now only memories remain
of that very first day when we spied the mewling
litter of kittens~cleverly tucked away out of sight
he slipped away~rejoining those who crossed before
brother Cheetah~brother Teddy~elegant sister Woody
litter mates they were~snuggled tightly together
Through tears we fondly recall the many years
he graced our lives~mischievous as a young cat
cheerfully thieving the neighbor's scattered things
soon a bag was hung upon the fence to return
his found treasures~cans~casette tapes~tools
any odds and ends laid down carelessly
He was a recycler at heart, a retriever of balls
chewer of branches~playful tackler of siblings
his silver tabby fur glowing in the underbrush
he stalked ~once foolishly challenging a rattlesnake
angrily coiled ~rattles sounding a fierce warning
sharp spray of water saved him that day
Growing into the most magnificent prince of a cat
somber now~naughty wild youth left long behind
often found sitting~deep in thought as if contemplating
life as it presented itself to him each and every day
but now and then his inner white tiger would spring forth
slay a careless bird~never wasteful~he'd relish his wild feast

November 21st, 2014
Infinite sculptures stretch
as far
as the eye can see carrying
and precious warmth into
our homes
towers that
can be seen as
 either beauties or
beasts yet no matter
 how we see them we value
their service to us keeping cold
and dark at bay on the cold winter days ahead


November 22nd, 2014
Breaking through the heavy mist deep V's sketched into the sky
traveling south to milder climes their loud calls reach us
clearly standing below looking up into the rainy cold
skies marveling at such strength of purpose and
wing inner compass guiding them along on
their arduous long journey year after
year in all weather such a wonder
such inspiration for us below
reminding us to be strong
on our inner journey
to the  place we
need to be in
order to

November 23rd, 2014
Overnight the cold storm moved on
early morning finds us under
glowing skies~filled with fluffy remnants
tenderly kissed by the rising sun
glowing so brightly~warming heart and soul

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10th-16th, 2014

November 10th, 2014
Sitting quietly~deep in thought
enveloped in golden mist
is this magic~is it a golden dream
Startled back to reality I turn
looking outside this evening
our skies spill down liquid gold
Moments later~bright golden streaks
bright raspberry~transforming 
quickly ~deepest vermilion glows
Inhaling deeply~breath takes in
this magically infused air
sinks deep down into the soul
Soon colors fade~darkness falls
the streaks deep violet now
edged in antiqued old rosé lace
Heart overflows~full to the brim
with Nature's beauty now
carried within~AFTERGLOW


November 11th, 2014
Beneath a pale morning moon
buzzards circle lazily
Shasta's snowy flanks beckon

November 12th, 2014
Delicate bud slowly unfurls
glowing citrine green
rebirth of bouquet long dead

November 13th, 2014
Dark clouds gather to the West
radiant sun slowly slips away
valley shrouded in golden mist
Above us a pool of cerulean blue
spilling notes from it's heart
pure soaring soprano fills the air
Meadowlark~ golden throated
sings exquisitely~ full of joy
bidding this day a last farewell


November 14th, 2014
Thick morning fog
caresses the pines
November morn

Birds chatter loudly
fluffing against
 November morning chill

November 15th, 2014
Beneath flaming fall trees
cattle graze peacefully
their pale flanks kissed
gently by the setting sun
Savoring this rural scene
tranquility descends
we head toward home
another luminous autumn day

November 16th, 2014
Wise old owl flag
newly arrived
graces old cattery
Sitting empty now
our last old boy
moved in with us
Yet through sad losses
we've gained space
for messy creativity
Embracing change
our only choice
life is moving on
Small light filled space
once filled with purrs
transforming into a studio

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1st-9th, 2014

November 1st, 2014
Once again my nocturnal muse appears
her bright light gently diffused tonight
rainbow halo shimmers tenderly holding
this heavenly body~her timeless beauty
inspires and enchants again and again

November 2nd, 2014
At last deep autumn has found us
generous colors spill across the yard
heavy dark clouds shroud skies
which had been a bright hot blue
shimmering with heat all summer
Blessed cooler days are here at last
not quite prepared bodies protest
joints creek muscles tighten fingers cold
opening the door chills follow us inside
now first fires blaze snapping merrily
Candle flickers warming the soul
standing in the kitchen peeling silky
pears and apples adding winter spices
handful of cranberries blending carefully
then together they tumble onto the crust
What better way to welcome this season
chasing away the chill by creating warmth
not only with candle light but crackling fires
sweet pies bake heating the cool house
curls of delectable scents rise into the air

November 3rd, 2014
Morning sky awash in delicate
stripes of rosé and periwinkle
Last golden leaves tremble
on now nearly bare Tilia
Time to say goodbye
rest well this winter
Until spring wakes you
once again your buds
Forming heart shaped
leaves and golden florets
Veiled in sweetest scent
dripping nectar for the bees
Now sleep draw your life
juices deep into your heart

November 4th, 2014
weaving powerful
bold geometric patterns
clouds weft cypress warp

November 5th, 2014
On this day
when so much seems lost
the future looking dark
golden glow shines brightly
reminding us gently
that as with season's change
darkness might reign
leaving us feeling hopeless
but as it is in nature
season of light and rebirth
will find us once again
so let us not lose heart
let us cherish the hope that
down the road light
will find us once again
leading us out of the shadows
back into a bright future
for the sake of us all
and future generations

November 6th, 2014
Celestial fireworks
blooming overhead
much needed joy
vivid colors
bursting up high
colors spills to earth

November 7th, 2014
Glowing face hidden
entangled in oaks
suddenly breaking free
she floats up~ rising
within a coppered halo
high above the pines
she smiles down
blessing our home
and all laying below
her bright silvery gaze


November 8th, 2014
Opulent plump beauty
reclines languidly
promising juicy autumn joy

November 9th, 2014
On this day~celebrating with joy
twenty five years ago today
dreadful wall came down at last
once again traffic roared
through this gate to the others side
freedom no longer a dream
but a reality on that amazing day
this wall separating families
for decades~fallen~beaten down
but while we celebrate and sing
lighting up this bright vibrant city
let us never forget and honor
those who died in their attempt
while fleeing oppression and fear
only yearning  to be free to join
their families on the other side
hunted with dogs they were
gunned down~stark white crosses
stand witness lest we forget
the terrible price they paid
running toward freedom

Todesstreifen~Strip of Death
coated thickly with poison
nothing left alive to grow and thrive
Silky gold sands drank eagerily
the lifeblood of those
who risked it all~and failed
Runs of dogs~prisoners too
spend every night and day
their duty to alert the guards
Guards walked in pairs here
each the other's keeper lest
one of them should try to run
Harsh searchlights pointed out
the quaking silhouettes of those
bravely trying to escape at night
Now once again silent dead land
is full of life~joyous barking
dogs dig and play~burying the past