November 24th, 2014
Drops of autumn color
tremble in the
cool morning breeze
November 25th, 2014
Give thanks to the Universe
for wonderful messy trees
though they fling their leaves
carelessly untidily in autumn
they give so much more
exhaling oxygen providing
us with the very air we need
to sustain our own small lives
Giving generous cool shade
on even the hottest days
sheltering us providing food
their lush exquisite beauty
such endless form and shape
how bereft our world would be
without their regal presence
Blazing vivid color bringing
light into the darkest wet day
leaves dancing down gracefully
blanketing the cold ground
giving life and sustaining soil
thus feeding the very earth
honor them protect them
cherish their sacred presence
November 26th, 2014
Splash of exotic color
truly brightens
even the grayest day
November 27th, 2014
Today we are most thankful
for such rich beauty found
in most each and every day
treasured friends~who add
deep richness to our lives
bright flowers which nourish
shining bright~adding light
thankful for the riches of
the roof above our heads
food to nourish our bodies
good health~allowing us to do
everything that needs doing
today we pause~giving most
heartfelt thanks for the many
bountiful blessings in our lives
November 28th, 2014
Languidly she reclines
resting against a velvet sky
now and then white silken
clouds drift across her face
high up in the sky she glows
afloat in a pool of pale amber
outshining even the brightest
stars~twinkling by her side
like brilliant celestial diamonds
November 29th, 2014
Sitting so comfortably
in pleasant company
add small shots of brew
to most savory food
putting all at the table in
a most jovial mood
November 30th, 2014
Near day's end clouds briefly part
pool luminescent light splashes
across the ominous stormy sky
surrounded by inky silhouettes
sparrow bravely sings a lullaby
gentle night wind rocks him to sleep