Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Golden October
waves a last farewell
to hot summer days

Laying in supplies
for cold winter days
sure to come soon
already his fur coat
grows luxuriously thick
watching us bright eyed
he pauses mid nibble
then resumes eating lunch

There's a stillness 
at the little lake now
visitors are few
not even the echo 
of summer voices remain
peace has settled
golden teasel edges
cool blue green water
ripples chase across
in a soft autumn breeze

Even late in the year
one hundred million gallons
spill into the jeweled pool
each and every day which
really is such a marvel
when you think about it
to be standing here moist mist
softly kissing my cheeks
in our drought plagued state
it feels like a blessing really
after our long hot smoky summer
to receive nature's benediction

Owl's crystal eyes
spill refracted light
into the quiet space
rainbows tremble
on sage green walls
silent woodland glade
alongside Buddha's
serene golden face
everyday magic transforms
unease into serenity
world's turbulence retreats
if only for these few moments

My love of nature
these roots keep me sane
in the damaging
wind of our current reality
moments of beauty found
balance the despair
which keeps me awake at night
this small shrub
tethered in the earth
it's strong roots remind me
to be strong to be persistent
to thrive even in this climate
of greed and dishonesty beyond belief

Golden October light
spills it's treasure indoors
dabbled shadows flutter
outside in the fierce wind
pines bend and dance
sighing and singing endlessly
tarnished spend leaves
twirl in whirlwind gusts
warm days yet but autumn's
cool nights tell another story

Like a woodland stream
words start flowing once again
tumbling over rocks
making their way onward
gathering speed until  
swiftly spilling onto my page 
not unlike waterfalls of poetry

Small flowering islands
bop gently on the current
how cool their toes must be
modestly hidden under generous
fringed green skirts spread
atop the deep emerald water
maybe below tiny minnows slip 
through forests of slender 
stems playing hide and seek
wouldn't it be lovely 
dangling our feet right here
feeling them nibble on our toes
but oh the cold it is!!!

There are times
when I feel rooted like this tree
holding firm
clinging to a little island
life rushing
past leaving me isolated
yet the current
brings flotsam messages
from upstream
notes reminding me
even when we feel alone
we're really not....are we?!

October Splendour
These fiery hues
illuminated by the sun
Nature's quilt
these rich colors glow
embrace the soul
rich feast for the eyes
autumn's heart song
felt all the way to my bones

How tranquil he looks
bedded down on sweet hay
infinity path replenished
once again soft to tread on
quite comfortable to lay on
Buddha Bear's quality seal of
approval canine zen master
taking his ease.....JUST BREATHE

Luna's crescent glows
she's not alone this night
Saturn sits at her feet
soon Mars will take Saturn's
place moving ever closer
his red eye in the shadows
awaiting a turn in her glow
it's not often she has company
more often than not she chooses
to travel solitary through the nights

Across the creek
robins preen
red breasts aglow

Sauntering through the garden
amidst red dragon tongues
one lone morning glory
basks in the October sun
inner light shining bright
striped purple robe all aglow
first morning blessing found

On silvered wings
rafts of buzzards glide
swiftly on strong winds
some paired others alone
drawing intricate patterns
on blue skies....mesmerizing

Nearing the end of the year
pale pink rosebuds unfurl
these blushing maidens reminding
us to celebrate the inner child
within....even at our own season of the crone

Last hot autumn days
filled with glorious color
pale blue Plumbago
subtle reflection of the sky
in the cool of the night
crickets are still singing softly

Small furry gatherer
pauses only briefly
he's bringing in the harvest
for the coming cold season
there's no time to waste...hurry!!

Like quicksilver
glistening in the sun
eager to spill
into the emerald pool
leaves are turning
bright copper and scarlet
blissful gilded afternoon

On gossamer wings
living out the last brief
days of their lives
already numbers dwindled
once big squadrons
danced overhead gracefully
last survivors are flying solo

This moment of mindfulness
little bird meditation
on a roseate autumn morning

Early risers greet the day
with raucous enthusiasm
rising settling preening

Last sliver of sun
gone in the blink of an eye
lone crow flies home

Over the crest of Mt. Toro
slim alien ship hovers briefly
rising swiftly revealing
lunar encounters of the third kind
awaiting the light...please beam us up

Proud galleons of the night
glowing in darkness
not sailing the seven seas
rooted on solid foundations
hillside homes illuminate the night

Friendship still thrives
after four decades
loving those rosy cheeks
and the kind caring soul within
treasuring the blessing...kindred spirits

Rallying one more time
at season's end
brutal summer days over
amid the ruins of blossoms long gone
she unfurls her finest organdy gown defiantly

She's just a shadow of her
former full self now
but oh she rose in splendour
peering coyly through branches
partially swathed in finest cloud chiffon

Joy of waking
whole world at your feet
just waiting 

Heads are tossing
red and gold
northern winds
grow strong and bold
berries ripen
glowing in the sun
let's head outside
let's have some fun
twirl along merrily
dance with falling leaves
open eyes in wonder
at what Mother Nature weaves


Witch's cauldron bubbles
eyes watching all aglow
moon is shining brightly
two toads croaked loudly "NO"
please don't throw us
in your special brew
surely magic herbs will do
spiderling is dangling
bats are swooping low
witch stirs her bubbling kettle
trick or treating she will go
she might look a little scary
but do not be afraid
she means no harm to anyone
caramel apples she did make :-)