Roadside beauty
waving as we pass
sea foam blue
Mother and child
side by side
thrive little one
Along the road side
eerie red glow
fairy forest
HENRY MILLER 2007-2019
On the far side of rainbow bridge
Tess is eagerly waiting
eyes shining bright tail wagging
something called her here
on this special summer day
then she spots first movement
familiar striped furry form
wearing white sock saunters across
they meet Henry butts heads as is
his custom Tess gives her feline friend
a good washing making him purr loudly
greetings now over they leave side by side
Broken heart pain
now matched
by aching backs
he's laid to rest
after hours of digging
and hauling of rocks
deep from the bowels
of the unyielding earth
we tucked him tenderly
said our final goodbyes
resting on a bed of hay
velvety mullein fragrant sage
small mulberry planted
along the curve of his back
atop his grave sprigs of rosemary
one heart shaped rock
nearby Kwan Yin sits in silent vigil
at her feet offerings along
with thanks for watching over him
farewell dear boy may you find
peace and joy on the other side
may we meet up once again one day
Today I wore my mother's pearls
but not to worry
she's not gone still hale and hearty
as I looked into the mirror
they looked so prim and proper
like something from the sixties
mom's sixties era of Chanel suits
my era on the other hand
was a whole nuther kettle of fish
hippie beads and patchouli
swirly long skirts peasant blouses
you get the drift no doubt
poor pearls needed an outing
some skin contact to make them glow
paired with my long mermaid dress
and a tribal mother of pearl pendant
two eras worn side by side
didn't look half bad I was still Evi
not oh so prim and proper Evelyn
mom tried pouring me into her mold
long ago...with little success I might add
Quite some time ago
while visiting a talented friend
this cabochon of Moss Agate chose me
delicate druzy clusters frame tiny windows
one could almost imagine that peering
through them would allow a peek
into another more magical dimension
rather fanciful I know but I've always
been a daydreamer to be perfectly honest
this lovely cabochon is now back in my hands
skillfully wrapped in strands of shiny silver
edged by a delicate gossamer web spun by
creative artistic human hands to such perfection
This morning
with two loads of wash
dancing on the line
still two more awaiting
their turn in the wings
moving the sprinkler
now and then all while
gazing up at a cerulean blue sky
where jet streams curl
in between icy cirrus veils
jays screech endlessly
high in the pine squirrel dissects
bright green cones
sprinkling the ground below
with fragrant sticky curls
how ever do they get the sap
off their furry faces and tiny paws
Bold red dragon crossed the big wide sea
landed safely very close to me
greedily guards his hoard of glittering gold
just as is written in tales of old
though fear not friends this beast is tame
listen very closely let me explain
he's but a cover of a nicely bound book
I opened it and had a look
lovely sketches and quotes as well
with many blank pages for tales to tell
knowing just the proper tool I think
my fountain pen filled with purple ink
surely dragon's blood is just that shade
will I find the courage before it's too late
perfect empty pages stopped me in the past
let's hope my courage grows...success at last!?
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
How delicious
early morning breeze
Jupiter bright light in the night sky
keeping company with Luna
close up you look a bit fuzzy
mysteries not seen with the naked eye
many moons and swirling rings
red eye a storm raging for centuries
first noted in ancient Babylon
given the name of gods lost in time
many light years away it's hard to imagine
how you literally dwarf our own planet
tiny speck in the Universe that we are
in comparison to your own enormous girth
seeing you way up there a reminder
of our own insignificance in the scheme of things
Neon pink sky
such awesome beauty
yet it comes at a terrible cost
up north forests stand aflame
Now golden shimmering haze
settles on the ridges
nature in all of her glory
Have you ever made a wish
on a head of romaine
or do you wish to romaine anonymous
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
Broken heart pain
now matched
by aching backs
he's laid to rest
after hours of digging
and hauling of rocks
deep from the bowels
of the unyielding earth
we tucked him tenderly
said our final goodbyes
resting on a bed of hay
velvety mullein fragrant sage
small mulberry planted
along the curve of his back
atop his grave sprigs of rosemary
one heart shaped rock
nearby Kwan Yin sits in silent vigil
at her feet offerings along
with thanks for watching over him
farewell dear boy may you find
peace and joy on the other side
may we meet up once again one day
Today I wore my mother's pearls
but not to worry
she's not gone still hale and hearty
as I looked into the mirror
they looked so prim and proper
like something from the sixties
mom's sixties era of Chanel suits
my era on the other hand
was a whole nuther kettle of fish
hippie beads and patchouli
swirly long skirts peasant blouses
you get the drift no doubt
poor pearls needed an outing
some skin contact to make them glow
paired with my long mermaid dress
and a tribal mother of pearl pendant
two eras worn side by side
didn't look half bad I was still Evi
not oh so prim and proper Evelyn
mom tried pouring me into her mold
long ago...with little success I might add
Quite some time ago
while visiting a talented friend
this cabochon of Moss Agate chose me
delicate druzy clusters frame tiny windows
one could almost imagine that peering
through them would allow a peek
into another more magical dimension
rather fanciful I know but I've always
been a daydreamer to be perfectly honest
this lovely cabochon is now back in my hands
skillfully wrapped in strands of shiny silver
edged by a delicate gossamer web spun by
creative artistic human hands to such perfection
This morning
with two loads of wash
dancing on the line
still two more awaiting
their turn in the wings
moving the sprinkler
now and then all while
gazing up at a cerulean blue sky
where jet streams curl
in between icy cirrus veils
jays screech endlessly
high in the pine squirrel dissects
bright green cones
sprinkling the ground below
with fragrant sticky curls
how ever do they get the sap
off their furry faces and tiny paws
Bold red dragon crossed the big wide sea
landed safely very close to me
greedily guards his hoard of glittering gold
just as is written in tales of old
though fear not friends this beast is tame
listen very closely let me explain
he's but a cover of a nicely bound book
I opened it and had a look
lovely sketches and quotes as well
with many blank pages for tales to tell
knowing just the proper tool I think
my fountain pen filled with purple ink
surely dragon's blood is just that shade
will I find the courage before it's too late
perfect empty pages stopped me in the past
let's hope my courage grows...success at last!?
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
How delicious
early morning breeze
Jupiter bright light in the night sky
keeping company with Luna
close up you look a bit fuzzy
mysteries not seen with the naked eye
many moons and swirling rings
red eye a storm raging for centuries
first noted in ancient Babylon
given the name of gods lost in time
many light years away it's hard to imagine
how you literally dwarf our own planet
tiny speck in the Universe that we are
in comparison to your own enormous girth
seeing you way up there a reminder
of our own insignificance in the scheme of things
Neon pink sky
such awesome beauty
yet it comes at a terrible cost
up north forests stand aflame
Now golden shimmering haze
settles on the ridges
Have you ever made a wish
on a head of romaine
or do you wish to romaine anonymous
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue
Shrieking Jays
bold flashes
of brilliant blue