First rays of the sun
spill on my table
morning thoughts
Rising at three
solitary meteor
zooms past the moon
Defying horrendous heat
delicate petals unfurl
moment of zen
busily pecking
hopping up down
grooming long slender branches
To the far west
red bellied clouds drift north
tail end of the storm
Rising at three
solitary meteor
zooms past the moon
Defying horrendous heat
delicate petals unfurl
moment of zen
busily pecking
hopping up down
grooming long slender branches
To the far west
red bellied clouds drift north
tail end of the storm
With lush purple ink
red dragon journal captures
daily mindful moments
Scent of coffee
flirting with chocolate
afternoon brownies
Arched silvered branches
embrace a pale crescent moon
bird's last sleepy notes
Delicious cool morning
sudden thunder
happy dog stampede
Silver crescent
in a pale blue sky
dance of the dragonflies
Covering your bright raisin eyes
with delectable cream-cheese and jam
I dream of a farm house in Tuscany
He shakes his head
eyes burning with unshed tears
for the country he loves
Lightly kissed with Pico Fruta
glistening chunks of watermelon