Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pomegranate Bird Diner

Yesterday we paid a visit to our Pomegranate Tree. It's a huge shrub really. Though it doesn't have quite as many fruit as last year, the ones it does have are very large.
While checking to see if they are ready, spied this one, way up in the tree. A bird's delight. Any of the Pomegranates we leave on the tree are a feast for our many wild birds. And of course we do share. We always leave the highest ones, or those already wide open, for our feathered friends.
As our last remaining little hen lives in the orchard, she loves the company of the wild birds and they live happily side by side, sharing any of the bounty which falls to the ground.
Though of course these high fruit are out of reach of the little hen. So while we're out there snacking on our fruit, we make sure to leave some treats on the ground for her.

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