Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Frederick the Great

Here are two portraits of "Old Fritz".  One done many years ago of course, when he was still alive. And then just before we exited the castle, there it was, on the wall a portrait of him done by Andy Warhol. Talk about culture shock.

My pictures aren't the best of course, but I wanted to capture them regardless. Behind me a relentless group of other viewers of the palace were pushing me along as I tried to madly click away. And remember when you view these pics, if you click on the picture itself, you will get a larger version of the image. 

I loved this room!!

These images were taken in one of my favorite rooms. It was lavishly decorated with natural art work. The scenes were two-dimensional. Wonderful stuff. The creatures and plants looked as if they could jump right off the wall.

It was like nature was captured right there, on the wall and ceilings all around us. It was enchanting!!

Some interior shots of Sans Souci

Obviously life has been getting in the way of my spending time and posting the promised follow-up on Sans Souci. Where does the time go?
Alright, let's go inside.

The details were amazing. These are just a few of the images I took while touring the interior. Too many to share in one post. These are just some of the wonderful, gilded pieces. The chandeliers were wonderful as was all the intricate artwork. As Sans Souci is fairly small when it comes to palaces, the 10 rooms we were able to view more then made up for it.