Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Frederick the Great

Here are two portraits of "Old Fritz".  One done many years ago of course, when he was still alive. And then just before we exited the castle, there it was, on the wall a portrait of him done by Andy Warhol. Talk about culture shock.

My pictures aren't the best of course, but I wanted to capture them regardless. Behind me a relentless group of other viewers of the palace were pushing me along as I tried to madly click away. And remember when you view these pics, if you click on the picture itself, you will get a larger version of the image. 


  1. Very nice sharing you recent journey. How funny that Andy Warhol 'did' (so to speak) Frederick the Great. Never knew that.

    Nice photos, Evi! Looks like you had a good, and interesting, time.

    1. Thanks Pam, need to get some more posted. It was a fun trip with lots to see. It's picking out the pics I want to share and finding the time to do so.
      Glad you enjoyed them.
