Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 24th-30th, 2013

June 24th, 2013

Tonight clouds concealed her beautiful face
but last night~ oh how she glowed
full and perfect she rose into a velvet sky
tree tops reaching as if to embrace her
she rose higher~ higher yet~ spilling silver
annoiting woodlands and garden
silently we stood~mesmerized by her beauty
June 25th, 2013

Summer Rain
fine steady mist moistening the air
brief respite from hot days
we sip tea ~hands wrapped around our mugs
gazing out at the cool morning
filled with gratitude for this rare gift
Summer Rain

Tender slices of Apricot Kuchen
fresh from the oven
jaunty dollop of
whipped cream adorning it
melting delicately on the tongue

June 26th, 2013

Cowboy's line shack or old homestead
how many years have you endured?
Nestled beneath towering power lines
timeless reminder of a not so distant past
no doubt your occupants read by lantern light
and rode to town for necessities.


June 27th, 2013

Early morning
I stand quietly
Birdsong welcomes the rising sun
Little Fox runs wild across the creek
I breathe
dark dream's weight lifts
flies away on sun-kissed wings
I smile

June 28th, 2013

Once mighty oak
casts it's shadow
into the creek
reduced in size
yet still alive
does it see the change
or does tree memory
complete the shadow
to make it whole again

June 29th, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Cool morning start
Extreme heat wins
Our garden
green oasis
cool illusion

June 30th, 2013

Doing dishes, hands draw patterns
with soapy sponge, erasing meals
I daydream while Ming winds silky
figure eights around my legs~ so soft
blissfully purring~ a quiet moment
before her endless quest of exploring
all things UP resumes once again 

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th-23rd, 2013

June 17th, 2013
Minimal Monday

I see you !!

June 18th, 2013

Aerial Ballet
lush colors sing
dark velvet butterfly
delicately sipping nectar


June 19th, 2013

White, fragrant sphere
hosts Bee and Bumble Bee
dressed in their velvety best
they dance ~humming
gathering sweet nectar
sipping from white trumpets
extracting the treasure within

June 20th, 2013
Waxing moon~like a baroque pearl
not perfectly rounded~yet stunning
milky luminessence~against a lapis lazuli sky
inky branches gently cradle her beauty

June 21st, 2013

Summer Solstice
season's wheel slowly turning
toward shorter days
and longer nights
Inhaling the rich fragrance
of these warm, languid
days and nights of deep summer
hoarding them, tucking them away
Celebrating each golden day
savoring star-filled nights
blooms and cricket song
for the wheel shall turn again

June 22nd, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Desert Landscape
my creation
I smile

June 23rd, 2013

Under summer's cruel, drying rays
roses faint and curl~ buds crisp by noon
Now you wake~shaking out your crepe skirts
popping from shiny pods~ spilling in delightful ruffles
vivid colors aglow~brightened the tired garden
making hearts sing and bees hum

Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10th-16th, 2013

June 10th, 2013
Minimal Monday 
Tiny tadpole
growing legs

Minimal Monday #2

Morning Fox
Thunder Rumbles

June 11th, 2013

This stone is based on a story told me by the Nursery Man I bought my Daylily from, no doubt a fable, but I liked it. The Monastery I speak of is near us, in a tiny town called Vina.
Created by a Brother
at the Monastery of New Clairveaux
he chose to name you "Fire Drake"
upon first seeing your fiery face unfold
He is long gone now ~to his heavenly reward
yet you remain ~ blooming each year
I think of him~enjoying his legacy
vibrantly alive~deep red embers
burning bright~speaking of Dragon's fire

Ming Dragon

No longer gentle, fearful Ming-Ming
you lay like a guarding dragon
claiming a space near the front door
eyes half closed ~waiting~then suddenly
springing to life as the door opens
hapless dogs~ joyfully spilling out
Pale blue eyes grow large and fierce
you terrorize them as they race by
they panic ~watching you turn
from snoozing cat to dangerous foe
magically doubling in size
deep growl in your throat~ready to spit fire
We hurry them on, out of harms way
you settle once more~transforming from dragon to cat
delicately licking your sharp claws
then drifting off again, serpent like tail undulating
tapping out a victory song

June 13th, 2013

Every dark cloud has a silver lining
so dig deep, look for the strength
it's there, just beneath the negative
messages echoing in your ears
those internal voices singing siren songs of
You're not good enough, strong enough
tall enough, smart enough, brave enough!”
Drown them out, sing songs of joy
let your inner light shine!!


June 14th, 2013

I sit quietly
across the creek
solitary crow hops
catching his dinner
Grasshoppers a la carte

June 15th, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Deepest shade
Beauty emerges
shining bright

June 16th, 2013

Evening Ritual

In this arid clime we make our own summer rain
Rooftop sprinklers circle ~filling the air with moisture
keeping us safe in case of fire~ easing our breathing
making bearable the most torrid summer days
We're not alone in savoring the moist, freshened air
within moments we're joined by flocks of birds
eager to enjoy the delightful, new world they find
turned from hot and dry to moist and delightful
Trees and Bushes~ now alive with jubilant song
Robins singing whole arias~odes of joy no doubt
Wings are fluttering~ bodies are quivering
rainbowed droplets fly as they fluff and preen
Evening bath observed~ thirst quenched
silence returns to the canyon~they're gone
We sit, breathing deeply, savoring the moist air
last droplets hit the ground~our "storm" has passed

Father's Day, 2013

Gone~but never forgotten
your genes live on~
I write!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1st-9th, 2013

June 1st, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Stray reaches out

contact is made
A wounded stray appeared
Gumpy's replacement
courtesy of the Universe
Not sure what ails this
lovely Lynx PointSiamese
head always a-tilt as if inquiring
We don't know what happened
but we'll see it through
gaining her trust~kind words, furtive touches
Rescue Remedy in every meal
today she emerged briefly out of hiding
explored~looked at the fish
then fled, back to her hidey hole
she sees the bowls in my hand
gives a faint meow~ first words
nose pokes out, she peers up, head a-tilt
scanning for danger~then slowly
approaching the dishes, watching me
gulping her food~ slurping the milk
Ming-Ming will be her name
we'll keep her because few
want damaged goods so she'll
be ours~ filling an empty space
I guess Gumpy must have send her
knowing she'll be in good hands here.. 
June 2nd, 2013

It's barely June
already we feel Summer's hot breath
Celestial dragon exhaling
scorching Spring's green
leaving rosebuds crisp
never to unfold and delight

Yet we count our blessings
we do not have to watch the sky
for tornadoes bringing death
nor floods washing us and ours away
our enemy is Fire Dragon
one careless spark is all it takes

June 3rd, 2013

Gilded morning sunlight
spills into the canyon
birdsong fills the air

June 4th, 2013

Silky head~butts
delighted twitchy tail
Ming~Ming's warm morning greeting

June 5th, 2013

Silvery spheres
alive with bees
onions gone to seed
June 6th, 2013

Blackbirds flying by the hundreds
First appearing like wisps of smoke
then turning~transforming
into a black lace mantilla
undulating in a pale blue sky


Six Word Saturday
Merciless sun
bakes everything
beneath it
Stone #2
SUN ~ giver of life and light
today turned vengeful golden goddess
we bow to her power and shield our eyes
against her savage rays~yearning for sunset

June 9th, 2013

This morning
a paler, kinder sun rises
cool air greets us
we breathe deeply
Day Lily opens
her golden heart joyfully
Minimal Monday
Golden heart
we smile