Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1st-9th, 2013

June 1st, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Stray reaches out

contact is made
A wounded stray appeared
Gumpy's replacement
courtesy of the Universe
Not sure what ails this
lovely Lynx PointSiamese
head always a-tilt as if inquiring
We don't know what happened
but we'll see it through
gaining her trust~kind words, furtive touches
Rescue Remedy in every meal
today she emerged briefly out of hiding
explored~looked at the fish
then fled, back to her hidey hole
she sees the bowls in my hand
gives a faint meow~ first words
nose pokes out, she peers up, head a-tilt
scanning for danger~then slowly
approaching the dishes, watching me
gulping her food~ slurping the milk
Ming-Ming will be her name
we'll keep her because few
want damaged goods so she'll
be ours~ filling an empty space
I guess Gumpy must have send her
knowing she'll be in good hands here.. 
June 2nd, 2013

It's barely June
already we feel Summer's hot breath
Celestial dragon exhaling
scorching Spring's green
leaving rosebuds crisp
never to unfold and delight

Yet we count our blessings
we do not have to watch the sky
for tornadoes bringing death
nor floods washing us and ours away
our enemy is Fire Dragon
one careless spark is all it takes

June 3rd, 2013

Gilded morning sunlight
spills into the canyon
birdsong fills the air

June 4th, 2013

Silky head~butts
delighted twitchy tail
Ming~Ming's warm morning greeting

June 5th, 2013

Silvery spheres
alive with bees
onions gone to seed
June 6th, 2013

Blackbirds flying by the hundreds
First appearing like wisps of smoke
then turning~transforming
into a black lace mantilla
undulating in a pale blue sky


Six Word Saturday
Merciless sun
bakes everything
beneath it
Stone #2
SUN ~ giver of life and light
today turned vengeful golden goddess
we bow to her power and shield our eyes
against her savage rays~yearning for sunset

June 9th, 2013

This morning
a paler, kinder sun rises
cool air greets us
we breathe deeply
Day Lily opens
her golden heart joyfully
Minimal Monday
Golden heart
we smile


  1. She is beauty, Evi, so glad you both found each other and I love the words with which you celebrate her.

  2. hi Evi! just discovered your blog site! beautiful! love the cat pictures and the words...

  3. Thank you Rhi and Freya. Glad to have you stop by. Indeed, what a lovely girl she is. Getting more comfy each and every day. She's a keeper.
    Glad you enjoyed the visit to my blog. :D

  4. Lovely blog! I'm going to enjoy it...
    Well done Evi :)

  5. What a gorgeous, golden heart dearest Evi matched only by your glorious and uplifting prose. So glad you brought it to my attention. I am very thankful indeed <3.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Replies
    1. So happy you found and enjoyed it. Thank you for your kind and uplifting comment. <3
