Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th-13th, 2013

October 7th, 2013
Peace illuminates from within

October 8th, 2013
River's silvery song in harmony
with papery cottonwood leaves
rustling in the breeze
birds add their jubilant voices
nature's concert~sublime
October 9th, 2013
My inner Universe~mostly a quiet restful place
yet now and then  a cosmic storm blows through
swirling ~unsettling~leaving me restless~on edge
I close my eyes~imagining a star shining bright
at the edge of the external universe we all share
bringing it back to me~basking in the calming light
restoring order~realigning my inner planets
allowing me once again to view my world
with hope and peace despite the turmoil 
of the times we live in each and every day
knowing I must maintain peace within 
thus allowing the beauty of our world to find it's 
way to my inner space~bringing with it joy

October 10th, 2013
Black and Blue Salvia
Opening in the warm October sun
they reach out craning their necks
blossoms open like brilliant blue flamingo
yet from another angle how different they appear
heads modestly nodding ~sporting delicate beaks
their bodies made of feather like translucent petals
one almost expects them to become animated
take flight ~soaring high into the blue sky above
yet here they stay~ earthbound~delighting our eyes


October 11th, 2013
Had Rapunzel been a Scottish Lass
letting down her thick red hair
what would her name have been?
Fanciful thoughts I know about a vine
but for some reason when the sun
illuminated those thick strands
spilling down~this came to mind
it was written once in my report card
Evi has a most vivid imagination!!!
Well what do you expect from a child
raised on wondrous fairy tales but strange
flights of fancy over the most ordinary things

October 12th, 2013
Changing leaves
glowing brightly
Baroque tapestry

October 13th, 2013
Way up there~glowing in the autumn sun
Eucalyptus opens first flowers
trees from down under flaunt
upside down sea anemones
coral cups unfurl delicate tentacles
reaching out in a bright blue sea of sky
filled with thick sweet nectar
ready to slake hummingbird's hunger
so welcome in this cooler season
when the rest of nature goes to sleep

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