Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4th-10th, 2013

November 4th, 2013
Pink Flamingo Sunset

November 5th, 2013
Striped cloudy sky
rising sun peeks through layers
kisses pine briefly

November 6th, 2013
Delicate sliver of silver
against an indigo velvet sky
waxing moon glows radiantly

November 7th, 2013
I sit~sunshine streaming through the window
watching a polarbear mother and her cub rambling along
making their way through a wintery landscape~far up north
on the other side of the country~three thousand miles away
What marvels there are to be seen as we can 
bring these live streams and images into our homes 
Now owls, eagles and polar bears are daily visitors
technology allowing me a close up and personal view
bringing nature's marvels~ a world away~into my life
They seem so close ~I can almost feel the cold air
hear the wind whistling~see the snow falling
their icy breath~the crunch beneath their giant paws
as winter settles on those far lands and they migrate
in search of ice and sustenance~such a blessing
that we can still experience this~but how much longer
with the race for oil and the every growing population
changing their world and ours~can we stop it in time????
I pray we can and will~such treasures must be saved
for future generations to view and experience 
first hand~close up and personal~LIVE!!!

November, 8th, 2013
Soul Searching
Have I done my job too well?
Have I learned to hide my true self for protection
for so many years that no one can see me any longer?
All they see is a brash, outspoken, no-nonsense person 
with a mind of her own ~never showing fear 
It troubles me, because inside I am the same
tender, romantic, easily wounded~ absorbing energies
around me~ be they good or bad~lover of animals
and nature~yearning for peace and a better world
But it's a tough world out there~I donned my suit of armor
long ago to keep myself safe and sane~untouchable
Only here~in this safe space do I allow myself to be
who I am inside~sharing the soft center~hidden under a hard shell
forged by life over the years~new layers added with every hurt
Yet I feel hopeful~sure that slowly~ as I share my inner world
with words and images~ the shell is cracking~letting in light
allowing that person in the shadows to grow and emerge
like a butterfly from a chrysalis~taking flight~feeling safe
leaving the shell~which served it's purpose behind
I am finding courage~writing my way home

November 9th, 2013
Forgiving and blessing freed me

November 10th, 2013
Scanning the bleak wintry landscape
a head lifts briefly~scenting the air
then disappears~melting into the background

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