Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14th-20th, 2014

April 14th, 2014
Minimum Monday
Yesterday's roller coaster of emotions
replaced today by bliss~they're home
The moon nearly full, coyotes will be howling
and so are we~in frustration and disbelief
that our dear girls are out there~in the dark
running~lost~hunting~lured by coyote song?
All we can do is send up prayers and pleas
to the Universe~let them come home safe!!!

April 15th, 2014
Standing in the cool night air
eyes on the sky
how sudden the full moon
got swallowed
no longer round and golden
a slim crescent now
Shivering in the breeze
head tilted
mesmerized I wait
veils of clouds
drift across her face
she's blushing
Her face full again
blood red
she gazes down
smiling faintly
surrounded by stars
such splendor

April 16th, 2014
Sipping my morning tea
scrolling down the page
the world comes to me
with sad news and bad news
often weighing me down
Yet sprinkled in between
hope, joy, beauty also rests
reminding us all that our world
still holds so much good
people who care and note
Seeing things wrong and unfair
who take the extra step
signing to right what's wrong
messages of hope and support
images of beauty to lift the heart
So each morning's offerings
seeming a dark cloud at times
also have a brilliant rainbow lining
to illuminate the darkest day
Keep on shining and caring 
Together we do make a difference
may the shift of consciousness
begin with all of us~holding hands
around the world~connected
speaking up~spreading the light

April 17th, 2014
Lush beauty lifts her skirts
exposing slender stamens
hoping to entice the bees
They will find sweet treasure
 diving deep into her scented heart
emerging heavily dusted in pollen


April 18th, 2014
Night time rain
droplets tremble on leaves
pale morning moon

April 19th, 2014
Six Word Saturday
Slowly unfurling
revealing a
pure heart

Two Times Six
 Blood Moon afterglow
far side of the moon
hiding in my camera

April 20th, 2014
Easter morning
fragrantly reflecting
the rising sun

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