May morning
sun spilling gold
bees stroke
blossoms eagerly
gathering pollen
extracting nectar
these delicate wings
carry their sweet bounty
home to the waiting hive
Waterfall of color
Nature's May Day Celebration
fragrant tsunami
wizard's pet
basking on log
watching with hooded eyes
Be still for just a moment
let me capture your delicate beauty
before you flit away again
let us now follow your shadow
dabbling our path leading the way
then up and up you drift
up into the deepest blue sky
sailing away on the balmy current
Is this not the most precious thing
we can give one another
yet it is of course wrought with anxiety
will our gift be welcomed
will we be understood or does it
merely make us more vulnerable
now that someone else holds secrets
once belonging to only ourself
yet holding our hearts shut tight
like a bud refusing to unfurl
how can we embrace each other fully
honestly and with true acceptance
thus laying the path for openess
toward everyone around us all while
knowing just how hard it can be
to be open and all embracing
in the face of things so very foreign
strange beliefs we cannot fathom
unkindnesses more often than kindness
how do we open our tender hearts
when we might well risk everything
when we are asked to accept even
that which is unacceptable to us
Lately inspiration has shunned me
really don't know why
this ennui has settled in my heart
maybe I was never a writer
after all unable to set down words
without the back and forth
close connection to fellow writers
working alone doesn't seem to
suit me but here's hoping it's just
writers block and nothing worse
maybe looking into the lush heart
of such splendid natural beauty will
awaken my missing muse again
allowing me to feel inspired enough
to write my heart out regardless
of circumstance and prodding
writing just for me myself and I
Unblinking she gazes at me
eye to eye we meet
admiring her sineous beauty
those elegant stripes
reclining in the little pool
slithery bathing beauty
muscles undulating she exits
her subtly rounded middle
indicate that breakfast
had already been savored
this was an after breakfast dip
Across the creek
there's romance in the air
tempers are frayed
tailfeathers displayed
serious gobbling ensues
over who rules here
meanwhile their hens pay
little mind to it all
just quietly pecking
searching for tasty morsels
maybe later on they
will allow some liberties
for now it's just much ado
about nothing let them gobble
let them preen and prance
this is not the first time
the ladies have seen this dance
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