This month has been a blur, my creativity at an all time low. Trying to recreate the days I missed, no rhyme, no reason, just going to post them as I remember them, starting with today's pondering as the month is nearly over.
Is it COVID...or just the common cold
these aches and pains
hopefully because I am growing old
Every cough or sneeze
is it the dreaded disease or is
profuse golden pollen to blame
Sipping strong hot tea
enhanced with lemon and honey
can’t afford to get sick ain’t got the money
Week after week like beads on a string
staying put ain’t getting easier
but we’ve got to beat this evil thing
Patience is growing thin at times
our tempers start to fray
looking to the future hoping for brighter days
Is it COVID...or just the common cold
these aches and pains
hopefully because I am growing old
Every cough or sneeze
is it the dreaded disease or is
profuse golden pollen to blame
Sipping strong hot tea
enhanced with lemon and honey
can’t afford to get sick ain’t got the money
Week after week like beads on a string
staying put ain’t getting easier
but we’ve got to beat this evil thing
Patience is growing thin at times
our tempers start to fray
looking to the future hoping for brighter days
Last night Luna and Venus met
gracing the night sky
standing out in the garden
watching their ascent
wondering to myself
would I find suitable words
would I bother to get the camera
would I download the images
would I open the laptop
would I write in my blog at last
so many would's and then I did
while the words are not flowing
like a waterfall after a heavy rain
still the spring has not completely dried up
there is hope my muse has not fled the scene
that I can order my thoughts once more into a flow
nothing epic mind you just slowly getting my groove back
Night is falling
Jasmine stars scent the night
evening star glows
to the West last subtle light
a sky filled with inky cloudscapes
Words flit in and out of sight
like butterflies
floating on a spring breeze
I should be baking
lemons languish on the tree
but what I bake...we eat
hibernation weight gathers
Even during quarantine
bills are still due
laptop is pouting sluggishly
Outside the window
large drifts of ants rise
on translucent wings
Freshly baked crunchy rolls
buttered then eaten
with dark chocolate truffles
By now on this day I would have
arrived in the city of my birth
wrapped my arms around my
tiny aunt who raised me as a babe
then reached up to hug my
tall warm hearted cousin exited
Frankfurt airport starting my excellent
adventure back at home again
where part of my heart still lives
instead I lay curled under the
covers sad wanting to eat
my body weight in chocolate
with hot crisp rolls to ease
that ache I want to hibernate
and wake when this nightmare
is finally over when we’ll be free
once more to roam and visit
but then my thoughts go to all
laying in hospital beds fighting
for each breath alone no visitors
their families preparing for the worst
and then I think of those now
in deep mourning never again
to see the faces they love to wrap
their arms around them tightly
robbed of even the chance to say
last goodbyes robbed of funerals
memorials of lives ended too soon
how can I lay here and mope
eyes moist with only the loss of a trip
not the loss of a beloved’s life
rising I stomp down the hall into
another blessed day of life
damn you to hell COVID-19 you
greedy life stealing bastard
don’t you darken the doors
of the ones I love both family
and friends sheltering in place
all around the globe waiting in fear
that you will find them your spiked
ball rolling down the halls seeking
new victims...DAMN YOU TO HELL COVID-19
Diaphanous pale pink veils
drift in a tender blue sky
morning has broken
Maybe you thought I forgot
about glorious Luna
she was full earlier this month
at the time no words came
but thinking back now
as I walked the garden that night
her shining face slipping
in and out of sight sometimes veiled
then her radiant rays spilling down
illuminating not only that night but
also shining a soothing light
into our current darkness
welcome reprieve....filling me with gratitude
Palest gray translucent tender blue
adrift on this canvas
small clouds of bright flamingo pink
looking east lakes of liquid gold appear
jubilant birdsong rises celebrating another day
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