Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Fruit

As summer is heating up, our fruit are slowly ripening. Every morning I go out into the orchard to see what's happened. There are always ripe grapes to pic off the bunches. So nice way to start the day. The figs are getting fatter, but other then a couple, who ripened early, none ready at the moment. No doubt they'll all ripen at the same time. So far we haven't had too much in the way of birds thieving the grapes. One year, they were there one day and within a couple of days all the grapes had been raided. As they ripen unevenly, tough to get them in the house before they get snatched. So we munch away, picking the ripest ones and eating them on the spot.


  1. Those dastardly birds! How dare they raid your grapevines!

    Obviously they didn't raid them fast enough, as you were able to take those lovely photos. What beautiful grapes.

    Wine, anyone?

    Wish I could grow figs around here. Love fresh figs. Lucky you!!

  2. Yes, we're in fig country. But of course with that come blistering hot summers. :(
    We're enjoying the grapes, not too many birds raiding, though they're getting a bit thicker now. So we gobble them as quickly as we can.
    Not enough to take up wine production. ;-)
