Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mindful Writing Challenge 2013~Week 2

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Tule Fog~hiding the familiar landscape with drifting shrouds,
Now and then cattle are revealed, some calmy grazing, 
some gazing into the fog, as if searching the milky depths.
Trees appear, like ghosts,
Sun hanging in the fog like a full moon, eerily captivating.

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

Delectable, moist, fruitfilled Christmas Stollen,
unearthed from Mom's Treasure Chest, newly arrived from Germany.
Washed down with hot Assam brought back by a friend from Britain. 
Is this International Heaven?

Thursday, January 10th, 2013


Yoga, how I love the slow stretching of tight muscles,
balancing both body and mind. How did I do so long without it?
I never thought that at my time in life I would regain a flexibility that was barely mine as a young woman.
Though build like an athelete, sports was never my thing.
Then chronic illness brought me to Tai Chi and from there to yoga.
How I love the slow waking of the tight, cold muscles.
The moves to stretch and balance.
Then Savasana, the slow settling back in and turning inward.
Sometimes the mind keeps dancing, others I slip into a quiet place.
The final bells bring me back from the edge, back to reality.
I feel taller, stronger, ready to take on the world. 

Friday, January 11th, 2013
Birdfeeder~alive with fluttering and twittering hordes,
like JFK during commuter rush hour, Departures and Arrivals coming and going in a steady stream.
Filling the “terminal”, circling above, sitting patiently...or not
Awaiting their call to board?
Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Cold California day, enduring an Alaskan coldfront.
Early morning ice coats the birdbath. 
Bare trees are heavy with feathered fruit, impatiently waiting for their morning feed. 
We sit inside, huddled by the heater after going out briefly braving the cold , in answer to their plea.
January 13th, 2013
Turkey vultures, drawing last lazy spirals in the sky,
their backdrop gilded clouds .
Finally heading for their roosting trees to brave the coming cold night.
Such homely souls, but how they soar. Awkward bodies on ground, transformed in flight.


Monday, January 14th, 2013
Morning woodland walk, young dogs strain at leashes,
old boy ambles off leash, sniffing, stopping, finding wild pig rootings.
Eagerly he explores his morning delight.


  1. Well I'll give you a "like" here!
    I love it!


  2. Thank you, Aug. Much appreciate it.
    When I placed today's stone here, copied it from my OpenOffice and lo and behold, the background color stuck. Love it.
