Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mindful Writing Challenge January 2013~Small Stones

Yesterday I bravely posted my first small stone on the FB page "Mindful Writing Challenge 2013."  I shall copy my posts here as well, in order to be able to go back through this blog to reread my daily thoughts.

January 1st, 2013

This morning the canyon behind our house was alive with Robins. Singing joyfully while harvesting the Toyon berries. Each winter they come through in large flocks. An auspicious start to the New Year?!

January 2nd, 2013

Outside, early morning sunrays falling on diamonds of frost everywhere. Inside small whisps of steam rise from our cups of Chai. Hot Scottish oats, topped with homemade Quince-Orange Compote and a drizzle of amber Maple syrup warm our stomachs and hearts as the sun warms the earth outside. Blessed!!

January 3rd, 2013

Country lucky we are to travel them on our trips to town. Just two lanes weaving up and down, turning just enough to change our view. On both sides amazing views of the mountain ranges, covered in snow nearly down to the valley floor. Newly greening pastures, dotted with cattle. Perfect lead up to yoga!!

January 4th, 2013

One by one they leave us, endearing kittenhood long past. Tottering along on at times unsteady legs. Remembering days of speed and prowess in their elderly cat dreams, paws and tails twitching. Yet still savoring sunny days and gentle strokes, rewarded with rumbling purrs. For seventeen years they've graced our lives. But now quietly they slip away, one by one. Gone, but never forgotten.
January 5th, 2013

Interstate 5, heading for home. We slow for our exit and my eyes skim lazily down the bank of Coyote Creek, just before our turn. Winterbare trees reach toward the gray sky with long, thin fingers. And then, as my eyes turn upward, two large silhouettes in a tree. Suddenly the heads turn, revealing in the diffused afternoon light, white majesty. A pair of Bald Eagles. Our day felt blessed in that short moment and my small stone was born.

January 6th, 2013

Vees of Canadian Geese, flying North? South?

No, just rising briefly from a pond, circling and then landing once again
on the glistening surface below.
Before re-entry, the mirror-like eye reflected their reaching feet and the sky above.
Now ripples cross the pond, curling up gently on the shoreline.

January 7th, 2013

Early morning, the house yet dark and cold.

I light a candle to bring instant warmth to the table,
while sipping my morning tea, looking inward.

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