Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15th-21st, 2013

July 15th. 2013
Minimal Monday
Stemmed Sunshine
bright shining face

July 16th, 2013
Anxious chukking alerts us
Mother Quail is here,babies at her side.
Already the little ones are scratching and pecking,
emulating their mother, eagerly searching for seeds
first feathers slowly replacing downy fluff
soon babies will wear a curled feather upon their heads~bobbing comically as they peck
DING DING ~like little bells striking the hour

July 17th, 2013
Deep summer is here
shrill persistent cicada song
loudly greets the season
July 18th, 2013
Sprinkler's arc sifts through the branches
setting sun illuminates~transforms
water no more ~now gold dust drifting
blessing the garden

Thoughts on ironing
Did I ever mention I hate to iron?
Well, I do. It seems like clothing has a mind of it's own
when in my impatient hands. The pieces refuse to lay
the way they need to, in order to receive the heated smoothing.
They fight and struggle, slipping and sliding
not at all willing to be beautified it seems.
Maybe I am too impatient? Maybe I expect perfection?
Would it be best to go for the more relaxed "she didn't sleep in it" look?
Valient husband to the rescue, taught to iron at his mother's knee.
He seems better equipped to deal with this frustrating chore.
My Hero!! Come to save the day, dress does his bidding it seems.
Yet as I was struggling I savored the soothing back and forth motion of the iron
almost meditative, feeling the soft, worn fabric of a favorite dress,
pale blue Burberry, once my Mother's favorite, now mine.
Did she too struggle with it? Or did she take the easy way out
and send it to the Dry Cleaners? I'll have to ask her when next we Skype
No way would her long gone husband, my step dad, have stepped up to the plate
and saved her by ironing that lovely, soft dress into submission. 

July 19th, 2013
Ming~ playing by moonlight~stalking imaginary prey
gracefully leaping~bushy tailed-in the moment
savoring the cool night air~slaying moon shadows
July 20th, 2013
BBQ scented
summer evening
waxing moon
Too hot
so tired
getting cranky
Wanting rain
to soothe
my soul
July 21st, 2013
Sunday morning
scent of coffee 
wakes the senses
Cool morning
allows garden time
hurry up~beat the heat
After hot labors
an afternoon siesta
will be perfect. 
Waking from siesta
languorous and sticky limbed
cold shower and icy melon
bring me back to life again

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