Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10th, 2014

February 10th, 2014
Pine weeps~tears of joy

#2 MM

Pot of gold~at the end of the rainbow

February 11th, 2014
Venus rises~ miniature moon
ascending~not from a foamy sea
but a deep sapphire blue sky
glowing like a diamond
she slyly winks at me

February 12th, 2014
Nocturnal voices call me~surfacing from sleep I wake
cocooned in velvet darkness~ surrounded by delicious warmth 
Feeling Luna's searching gaze~sweeping through the garden
silver rays~calling me to play~beckoning through bamboo shades
only on warm summer nights do I answer her call~venturing out
walking with her on silvered paths~ beneath starry skies
on chill nights I feel her presence~yet resist her call~snug in my bed
closing my eyes tight~sinking deeper~back into my dreams.......of summer


February 13th, 2014
upside down
pounding shell vigorously
busy extracting her dinner
Sea Otter

February 14th, 2014
Gray day~winter still reigns
glorious splash of vivid vibrant color
reminds us~spring will come

February 15th, 2014
Misty morn~mighty oak stands silently
robin sings~rich notes rise~curl into the gray
avian artist~attempting to conjure up the sun

February 16th, 2014
Seven Word Sunday
Small faces appear~ bravely searching for spring


Poetic Bloomings Prompt #142
Love never ceases
Love never ceases...... to amaze me
how it comes around time and again
finding us throughout our lives in different guises
sometimes taking the form of romantic love
then the love of a dear friend of many years
sometimes it comes on furry feet~stealing our hearts
filling our lives with unconditional love and acceptance
what is love if not that tender feeling filling us with joy
warming and comforting ~never the same~so many faces
even after the loss of those gone ahead~love lives on
Love never ceases...... to amaze me

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