Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st-9th, 2014

March 1st, 2014
Survivors~standing tall
wearing lovely bonnets

March 2nd, 2014
Country road~blanketed in thick mist~curling and swirling
trees appear~then swiftly slip back into the white background
as if a heavy curtain dropped~draping all~swallowing the world
solitary crow briefly dissects the sky~caws~disappears from view
small streams find their way through pastures ~silver ribbons
merrily gurgling~eagerly searching and merging~growing in size
cattle dot the hills~calmly grazing~undisturbed by the weather
enormous bull surveys his harem~lifts massive head~tasting the air
ditches filled with water~reflect the pewter sky and wire fences
once again our world looks as it should this wintry time of year
we rejoice~thankful to receive nature's wet blessing~long overdue
vernal pools~alive with the song of frogs~noisily congregating
our world shines and glows~moist air kisses our cheeks tenderly 


March 3rd, 2014
Dog walk in the rain~we return with glowing cheeks
our pack of panting dogs smiling~tongues lolling cheerfully
as they look up in joy~eyes shining~we cannot help but wonder
is rain in human company better then the kind that falls in our yard
does "walking rain" not cause poor tender dogs to melt instantly
but the "yard" kind makes a dog head out the dog door~panic 
then immediately turn around~horrified~back inside to safety
looking dismayed at the evil killer wetness from the sky
or worse yet~the mere sound of drip drops outside~playing dead 
refusing to even stir themselves from cozy beds to get up
but put your socks and shoes on~there is no mercy for us
they explode~falling over each other eagerly~barking~shoving
WALK NOW!!!....Rain??? What rain?? WALKIES, PLEASE!!!

March 4th, 2014
Nourished by rain
bone lichen's ghostly white fingers
reach out~searching

March 5th, 2014
Disheveled debutante
white Quince blooms
dancing in the rain

March 6th, 2014
Fat coppery buds are swelling
revealing bright chartreuse hearts
oak groves waking from slumber
stretching~basking in the morning sun
overhead last storm clouds race along
don't lose heart~Spring is on the way

March 7th, 2014
Peering through the stalks
white Muscari rise
playing hide and seek

March 8th, 2014
Gracefully gathered Corps de Ballet
a study in white and green~tutus fluffed
en pointe~ready to explode onto the stage
Eagerly they wait~ready to dance

March 9th, 2014
Leaves of three~leave them be
Come a little closer, Dear
touch my shiny leaves
aren't they just lovely, Dear
pretty as you please
what~ you heard you shouldn't, Dear
such a silly rhyme
just go ahead and touch me, Dear
I'll sting you every time

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