September 22nd, 2014
The beauty of words
keeps me enthralled
weaving their magic
through the fabric
of my daily life
embellishing each
and every hour
how do those
not enchanted
by their power
September 23rd, 2014
And so they find us
these first promising
clouds of autumn
Their artistry written
in a previous blue sky
fantastic shapes delight
It's not quite time yet
but the promise alone
makes our hearts sing
Soon that most lovely
of seasons will reign
casting her colorful cloak
Trailing sweet moisture
on the hem of her
vivid autumnal gown
We await her blessings
as does all of nature
worn down by summer
She sits quietly~basking
in the golden afternoon sun
last rays caress her
gilding her spiderlings
Her tiny eight legged brood
carried upon her back
minuscule copies of her
own large monstrous self
Eight eyes stare up solemnly
do I appear friend or foe
she seems to sense there
is no harm meant here
Large spiders~I must confess
are not my thing~wolf spiders
are not for the faint of heart
yet even in their hairy creepiness
There is a certain elegant
beauty to this well designed
arachnid creature of prey
dedicated mother of many
September 25th, 2014
Deep indigo sky
full of promise
smell of petrichor
carried by the wind
Darkness falls
then suddenly
the first tentative
dribbles find us
Full of delight
we spring about
soon a deluge
skies open wide
Our dreadful drought
finally a sign of hope
the land gulps thirstily
no run off yet
But still we rejoice
dust and ashes
settled at last
morning air sparkles
September 26th, 2014
He lives in a different world now
away from the big box pet store
immersed in his very own kingdom
No more rude kids poking at him
no more being slushed around
picked up~stared at~found wanting
He's home at last~snug and safe
his new world peaceful and tranquil
his silent fuzzy companion~Marimo
Meet Zen~our new finny friend
once again a jeweled fighter
comes home to live in peace
September 27th, 2014
Once proud and tall
now just a stump
remains to mark
the place where once
an ancient being
lived and thrived
marking the centuries
season after season
an entire ecosystem
each and every one
until man came along
showing no mercy
felled this majestic giant
such sorrow fills the heart
looking at the remains
of what once was
tears blur my vision
yet nature never fails
slowly youngsters
grow tall and thrive
the old stump
a home to ferns
nature reclaims
softens the blow
life goes on...
September 28th, 2014
She slips beneath
a cloud duvet
wearing black lace
Saturn watches
blushing eagerly
they slip away
together~out of sight
celestial erotica
September 29th, 2014
At long last
autumn has found us
nature infused with
liquid honeyed light
these first golden days
filling our hearts
nourishing our souls
autumn at last
nature rejoices
gilding our days
deep peace settles
glowing within
September 30th, 2014
Caught like a leaf
in the vortex
of the winds of life
emotions swirl
leaving me dizzy
disoriented at times
uncertain about
my final destination
resting a moment
then swirling again
trying to find
that place of rest
to be at ease
settling at last
finding myself