Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22nd-30th, 2014

September 22nd, 2014
The beauty of words
keeps me enthralled
weaving their magic
through the fabric
of my daily life
embellishing each
and every hour
how do those
not enchanted
by their power

September 23rd, 2014
And so they find us
these first promising
clouds of autumn
Their artistry written
in a previous blue sky
fantastic shapes delight
It's not quite time yet
but the promise alone
makes our hearts sing
Soon that most lovely
of seasons will reign
casting her colorful cloak
Trailing sweet moisture
on the hem of her
vivid autumnal gown
We await her blessings
as does all of nature
worn down by summer

September 24th, 2014
She sits quietly~basking
in the golden afternoon sun
last rays caress her
gilding her spiderlings
Her tiny eight legged brood
carried upon her back
minuscule copies of her
own large monstrous self
Eight eyes stare up solemnly
do I appear friend or foe
she seems to sense there
is no harm meant here
Large spiders~I must confess
are not my thing~wolf spiders
are not for the faint of heart
yet even in their hairy creepiness
There is a certain elegant
beauty to this well designed
arachnid creature of prey
dedicated mother of many

September 25th, 2014
Deep indigo sky
full of  promise
smell of petrichor
carried by the wind
Darkness falls
then suddenly
the first tentative
dribbles find us
Full of delight
we spring about
soon a deluge
skies open wide
Our dreadful drought
finally a sign of hope
the land gulps thirstily
no run off yet
But still we rejoice
dust and ashes
settled at last
morning air sparkles

September 26th, 2014
He lives in a different world now
away from the big box pet store
immersed in his very own kingdom
No more rude kids poking at him
no more being slushed around
picked up~stared at~found wanting
He's home at last~snug and safe
his new world peaceful and tranquil
his silent fuzzy companion~Marimo
Meet Zen~our new finny friend
once again a jeweled fighter
comes home to live in peace

September 27th, 2014
Once proud and tall
now just a stump
remains to mark
the place where once
an ancient being
lived and thrived
marking the centuries
season after season
an entire ecosystem
each and every one
until man came along
showing no mercy
felled this majestic giant
such sorrow fills the heart
looking at the remains
of what once was
tears blur my vision
yet nature never fails
slowly youngsters
grow tall and thrive
the old stump
a home to ferns
nature reclaims
softens the blow
life goes on...

September 28th, 2014
She slips beneath
a cloud duvet
wearing black lace
Saturn watches
blushing eagerly
they slip away
together~out of sight
celestial erotica

September 29th, 2014
At long last
autumn has found us
nature infused with
liquid honeyed light
these first golden days
filling our hearts
nourishing our souls
autumn at last
nature rejoices
gilding our days
deep peace settles
glowing within


September 30th, 2014
Caught like a leaf
in the vortex
of the winds of life
emotions swirl
leaving me dizzy
disoriented at times
uncertain about
my final destination
resting a moment
then swirling again
trying to find
that place of rest
to be at ease
settling at last
finding myself

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15th-21st, 2014

September 15th, 2014
Slow turning of the seasons
now Autumn Joy blooms
offering herself up generously
her rosy heart~a bee's delight
they visit eagerly and often
taking sips of her sweetness
gathering the precious nectar
then flying home to the hive
filling chamber after chamber
survival of the hive assured
for the cold wet days ahead


September 16th, 2014
Sitting quietly~trying
to focus on each breath
while in the background
screeching monkey mind
swings noisily from tree
to tree~breath valiantly tries
blocking out the eager chatter
this morning~it's hard work

September 17th, 2014
No doubt we've gone a bit native
up here in far the North of California
still~even here in this rural setting
redneck cowboy land at it's finest
our past tends to keep pace with us
sitting on our rustic porch at sunset
eating a delicious evening meal while
being serenaded by cricket song
Italian Cypresses reach into the sky
first bats start hunting their dinner
as we sip Vin Rouge from Provence
nibbling on Rigatoni tossed in a rich
Mediterranean Eggplant Sauce
sprinkled with salty Parmesano
and just a dollop of Creme Fraiche
for dessert Lemon Cookie Icecream
crowned with fat organic Raspberries
a splash of Chambord ~another spoon
of Creme Fraiche~tonight eating
globally~not locally~still slow food
in a slow world~where cattlemen rule
as do our own internal global spirits
still alive and well within our hearts
you can't change the spots on these
leopards~no sir~we might not be
amongst our own kind anymore
but we've made space to honor
our global roots as often as we can


September 18th, 2014
Dove gray skies
faint scent of rain
drifts on the breeze
we give up hope
time to water
our thirsty land
by hand again

Dulcet swirling sounds
is it rushing waters
refilling our dry creek
No~'tis only the pines
singing songs of longing
praying for needed rain
Their arms held up high
in supplication
to the pregnant sky
They swirl and moan
in the teasing wind
singing of their plight
Dark clouds pass swiftly
driven by winds
racing~they do not stop
Their fervent prayers
seeding the clouds
once again unanswered


September 19th, 2014
Shivering this morning
first breaths of autumn
find me~chilling me deeply
clutching my cup of hot tea
hoodie pulled over my head
furry slippers on my cold feet
such changes in the air right now
By afternoon late summer heat returns
refusing to give up~even now
at the cusp of the new season
she holds on firmly to her reign
we've come this far~we'll survive
even with all of her hot powers
we know her days are numbered


September 20th, 2014
Once again four pairs of hopeful
eyes are trained on us each meal
their own~wolfed down quickly
already forgotten in the mists of time
inhaled really~barely chewed
now patiently they sit...and stare
one pair of eyes~the most talented
of the bunch ~sad worried triangles
one ear askew drooping desperately
a sad silvery thread of saliva dribbles
amazed at such collective talent on display
as they sit~in a row~ begging shamelessly
having never offered us a single bite
of their own splendid meal~gobbled
no inhaled~ not all that long ago
we look away~unwilling to meet those
pleading eyes~we're weak I know

September 21st, 2013
Sepia toned veils
swallow a blood-red sun
Welcoming the night
with wide open arms
Gentle evening breeze
first evening stars shine
In the far distance
deep droning hum
Last smoke bombers
make their way home
Sitting content
all's well in our world
Counted blessings
the end of the day

Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8th-14th, 2014

September 8th, 2014
It's been so long since you shared
our lives~bringing smiles our way
seems we've missed you forever
Yesterday's mail brought a reminder
that it's not been all that long
since you graced our home
Dear brown eyes shining
your enthusiastic eagerness to please
the dance danced only by you
Today I have to make the dreaded call
a grim reminder  "He's no longer alive,
no license to renew this year."


This sad day ended in quiet joy
picnic packed~moon quest ready
we head out~valley bound
gilded rolling hills along the way
in the smoky haze we wait
nibbling our picnic~crickets sing
daylight fades slowly~the sun
slips away toward the sea
then Luna rises~cresting
the Sierras~blushing gold
enormous in size~she dwarfs
the landscape at her feet
our trip thus blessed
we head back~westward bound
her golden gaze follows us
all the way home~Bliss


September 9th, 2014
This morning once again
she called to me
lingering to the West
teasing the tree tops
while to the East
sun made it's fiery
debut~glowing blood red
in the smoky morning sky
hastily dressed I leave
chasing them both
Brother Sun~Sister Moon
sharing the same sky
rushing back home
out of breath~panting
yet pleased~ready for tea


September 10th, 2014
There's an Ant Stampede
run for your lives
they're racing madly
in the moonlight
Packing their eggs
to save all their brood
the panic is great
and frantic the mood
Fleeing from something
I am not really sure
their final destination
I have not a clue
They race up my legs
and under my shirt
I dance rather frantic
scream loud to be heard
Husband comes quickly
the look on his face
is a sight to behold
as I am running in place
He comes to the rescue
I run for the house
and leave him to sort it
my dear faithful spouse

September 11th, 2014
Smoke kissed chiffon
unfurls across the sky
late evening flight
touched by last light
turns shooting star
Night falls quickly
sky now smudged
in darkest velveteen
evening stars dimmed
the smell of smoke
So many days of
sun sets and rises
spilling rich color
across the skies
our forests burn
When will it end
this torrid summer
creek has gone dry
our hearts are heavy
but oh those colors

September 12th, 2014
Embroidered delicately
onto a bright blue sky
she's fading slowly now
Her cycles repeat eternally
magic~holding us spellbound
Waning~glorious reign past
her face grows gaunt
bringing darker nights~I sleep

September 13th, 2014
Friendships are like gardens
the simple questions is
do we want a cactus patch
which requires no effort
or do we want a rich
vibrant cottage garden?
Me~I am a cottage garden
kind of girl~willing to work
fertilizing and watering
because to me friends are
the vibrant flowers in life
nurturing them will determine
if they are short lived annuals
only bright for a season
or perennials~here to stay
year after year~weathering storms
but surviving against the odds
always a delight in full bloom

September 14th, 2014
Save a bunny~shop with open eyes
This morning~as I stood under the shower
head tilted back~shampooing my hair
I got careless for a moment and looked down
instantly a soapy stream of water ran into
my open eyes and it burned a lot I tell you
as I carefully rinsed my eye I couldn't help
but think of how thankful I was that my
shampoo was never tested on a helpless
furry creature~trapped in a lab~unable
to take this awful burning pain away
maybe crying out at someone in a lab coat
approaching it~ not to help~but to hurt again
all in the name of sparing us needless suffering
what the hell are we thinking?? That they
feel no pain?? That they are somehow better
equipped to suffer that kind of abuse??
What happened to common sense
knowing that getting soap or cosmetics
into our eyes will hurt them?? When did
humans decide that we are so precious
that it's alright to torture creatures in our name??
I know I am not alone in my deep empathy
for those needless suffering in human hands
others feel this pain as well and shop carefully
that gives me such hope for our future!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1st-7th, 2014

September 1st, 2014
They come to us~night after night
walking through their dried out
barren world~the creek~ dry
a few stagnant pools remain
She feeds with her kits~furtive
looking over her shoulder 
small black hand busily sorting
she knows we watch and worries
Her kids, all sizes~yet the same age
one so tiny he often sits in the bowl
growling~fighting for every bite
they take turns in the birdbath nearby
Drinking~washing their nimble hands
then a bit of playing catch on the roof
we endure the racket~knowing they suffer
doing what we can to help ease their plight
Our policy of not feeding the wildlife
crumbles in view of their dire need
how can she raise this brood of babes
without a helping hand~praying for rain


September 2nd, 2014
Let's see if I can create
a picture in your mind
an image of hot days
ending in fiery sunsets
smokey veils drifting
hanging in the trees
across the creek bed
then being scattered
by sudden hot gusts
wind tearing moisture
from the ground much
faster then we can water
dryness claimed everything
our surroundings are now
cinder dry~we worry
and water our oasis
not only for reprieve
from the brutal sun
but hopefully adding
safety during these
last days of summer's
brutal reign this year
oaks will wait no longer
already they shed their
tattered leaves well
before their usual time
quiet nights are broken
by strident cicada song
acorns hit the roofs
like gunshots~sleep
is becoming elusive
let autumn find us soon
all of us are spent

September 3rd, 2014
They are rustling among the leaves
brief flashes of sapphire blue
vests of cinnamon brown velvet
Bluebirds arrive for the harvest
eagerly eating their fill
of the delectable bounty
Plentiful dusky-blue berries
are plucked quickly
leaving bright scarlet stems
Not a berry left~they're done
taking to the air~off they go
only vivid droppings remain

September 4th, 2014
Like an acrobat she hangs
upside down in the Buddleia
motionless~waiting patiently
Her arms folded devoutly
slowly tilting her head
eyes alert~praying for prey
If they miss her eerie silhouette
they're doomed~she'll strike
then feast~prayers answered

September 5th, 2014
A collection of pretty cups and mugs
somehow they make whatever
you choose each day extra special
Looking into the cupboard~searching
there's an old favorite~hiding in the back
embracing it's girth~it feels quite nice
There's something comforting about
a well loved cup~fitting just so
broad solid base~no wobbles
Lifting it to your mouth~steamy curls
bringing the scent of your beverage
you anticipate the flavor~inhale deeply
Then sipping cautiously~careful~ it's hot
whatever it is coffee~tea~hot cocoa
such a comforting ritual~don't you think?
This morning a newcomer gets a turn
Alice and the Cheshire cat~when hot
all that remains is the well-known grin
Function and perfect form in a whimsical
magical package~smiling back at that grin
wearing a mustache of whipped cream


September 6th, 2014
Mercury rises
will autumn
ever come
Waking to a cool crisp breeze
quietly slipping through the curtains
she carries the first scent of autumn
Or is it just my constant yearning
for that most delectable season
fooling my senses for a moment
Rising quickly I slip into the garden
embracing the early morning chill
by noon summer will win another round
For now I walk the paths, robe clad
savoring this delicious preview
of the main feature soon to come


September 7th, 2014
How do we know
if it's truly us
or ego deciding
we be introverts?
Do hard times lived
dictate who we
become~either easy
and joyful~or not?
Does it come to us
through DNA or maybe
past lives lived?
In being Introverts
do we really choose
our own path
safe in our shell
unable to extend
our tender bits
sometimes even
to those we trust?
Or are we instead
prisoners of our
ego's demands?
Feeling lonely
yet held back
from stepping out
to embrace
those waiting
with open arms
life's inner mysteries
never easily solved
or understood.