Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15th-21st, 2014

September 15th, 2014
Slow turning of the seasons
now Autumn Joy blooms
offering herself up generously
her rosy heart~a bee's delight
they visit eagerly and often
taking sips of her sweetness
gathering the precious nectar
then flying home to the hive
filling chamber after chamber
survival of the hive assured
for the cold wet days ahead


September 16th, 2014
Sitting quietly~trying
to focus on each breath
while in the background
screeching monkey mind
swings noisily from tree
to tree~breath valiantly tries
blocking out the eager chatter
this morning~it's hard work

September 17th, 2014
No doubt we've gone a bit native
up here in far the North of California
still~even here in this rural setting
redneck cowboy land at it's finest
our past tends to keep pace with us
sitting on our rustic porch at sunset
eating a delicious evening meal while
being serenaded by cricket song
Italian Cypresses reach into the sky
first bats start hunting their dinner
as we sip Vin Rouge from Provence
nibbling on Rigatoni tossed in a rich
Mediterranean Eggplant Sauce
sprinkled with salty Parmesano
and just a dollop of Creme Fraiche
for dessert Lemon Cookie Icecream
crowned with fat organic Raspberries
a splash of Chambord ~another spoon
of Creme Fraiche~tonight eating
globally~not locally~still slow food
in a slow world~where cattlemen rule
as do our own internal global spirits
still alive and well within our hearts
you can't change the spots on these
leopards~no sir~we might not be
amongst our own kind anymore
but we've made space to honor
our global roots as often as we can


September 18th, 2014
Dove gray skies
faint scent of rain
drifts on the breeze
we give up hope
time to water
our thirsty land
by hand again

Dulcet swirling sounds
is it rushing waters
refilling our dry creek
No~'tis only the pines
singing songs of longing
praying for needed rain
Their arms held up high
in supplication
to the pregnant sky
They swirl and moan
in the teasing wind
singing of their plight
Dark clouds pass swiftly
driven by winds
racing~they do not stop
Their fervent prayers
seeding the clouds
once again unanswered


September 19th, 2014
Shivering this morning
first breaths of autumn
find me~chilling me deeply
clutching my cup of hot tea
hoodie pulled over my head
furry slippers on my cold feet
such changes in the air right now
By afternoon late summer heat returns
refusing to give up~even now
at the cusp of the new season
she holds on firmly to her reign
we've come this far~we'll survive
even with all of her hot powers
we know her days are numbered


September 20th, 2014
Once again four pairs of hopeful
eyes are trained on us each meal
their own~wolfed down quickly
already forgotten in the mists of time
inhaled really~barely chewed
now patiently they sit...and stare
one pair of eyes~the most talented
of the bunch ~sad worried triangles
one ear askew drooping desperately
a sad silvery thread of saliva dribbles
amazed at such collective talent on display
as they sit~in a row~ begging shamelessly
having never offered us a single bite
of their own splendid meal~gobbled
no inhaled~ not all that long ago
we look away~unwilling to meet those
pleading eyes~we're weak I know

September 21st, 2013
Sepia toned veils
swallow a blood-red sun
Welcoming the night
with wide open arms
Gentle evening breeze
first evening stars shine
In the far distance
deep droning hum
Last smoke bombers
make their way home
Sitting content
all's well in our world
Counted blessings
the end of the day

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