Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spring Views

It's been a few days since I've blogged. To busy with this and that. But wanted to be sure I'd not forget about this little corner of my world. :)
Today's picture was taken earlier this year on our morning doggy walk through the hills around our property.
I love it when the sky is not only a beautiful deep blue, but has banks of soft, white clouds as well. The golden winter hills were just starting to sport some pale green. With the oaks covered in delicate young leaves all around us. The earth was coming back to life, renewing us as well after a long, wet winter.


  1. Lovely contrast in color and texture. Really nice photo.

  2. Glad you enjoyed it. I try to keep my camera with me as much as possible. Good practice and it comes in handy when you come across something special you'd like to capture.
