Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13th-19th, 2013

May 13th, 2013

Pale blue sky
like a giant inland sea
clouds appear
like coral reefs
white fingers
abstract shapes
form then disolve
like an ever changing
seascape~yet resting
firmly rooted on the hills


May 14th, 2013

As I am lifting my arms~
pinning a late load of laundry
on the line~ next to Oberon
one of our Heritage sized oaks
I wonder will moonlight instill
a bit of magic in these clothes?
Thus far the only fairy like
beings I've seen were the Hummingbirds
hovering over the red plastic pins
looking to see if a new, exotic kind of
flower is in bloom~ eager to have a sip
I use only the wooden pins now
as the hummers have been known
to leave a little calling card
showing their displeasure at the lack
of nectar no doubt
Interesting what can come to mind
while doing mundane, mindless chores.

May 15th, 2013

They hover nearly motionless
wings dip allowing turns
riding the warm thermals
the ritual of one last flight
before it's time to roost
Each evening we watch
envying their effortless flight
the freedom they must feel
gliding in mindful circles
around and around ~trance like
whirling dervishes in the sky

May 16th, 2013

Sudden cloudburst
leaves dance with joy
as they receive the benediction
all glows gilded green
while rain and sun play
hide and seek

May 17th, 2013

Floral Mandala
Nature's genius at work
Golden face replaced
by the beauty of seeds
ready to fly~up, up and away...........

May 18th, 2013
Six Word Saturday
Sitting outside
eating frittata
breathing sunshine

Hot coffee
wakes senses
and mind

Dessert after
our breakfast
why not

May 19th, 2013

reclining gracefully
shaded by leaf
nature's umbrella prevents sunburn

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