Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20th-26th, 2013

May 20th, 2013
Dead branches
embracing the rising sun
golden glow

A flawless night,
brilliant moon, velvet sky, cricket song
yet in my minds eye I see
not my many blessings
but the destroyed lives in Oklahoma
thinking that as I am enjoying
this peaceful, tranquil setting
~across the country far away
lives are mourned, homes are lost
pets have died, no rest for anyone
there tonight, just chaos and destruction
no warm, soft bed to rest in, no calm
nothing the same, not after today
those are my thoughts on this~
my own flawless night, guilt at my
own good fortune will accompany
me to my bed tonight.
Holding those who lost all
in our heart and thoughts
sending prayers their way
across the miles

May 22nd, 2013

Where did our summer go?
Suddenly blown away by howling winds
dancing trees outlined against a darkening sky
wind chimes wildly clanging a discordant tune
mournful song whistling through the window not quite shut
Mother Nature in one of her moods~her temper flares
I sit quietly, clutching my cup of evening tea
a bit nervous of her power~ the big trees
surrounding and sheltering us from summer's heat
now a worry, will they withstand her fury?

May 23, 2013

pearlescent white
visited by bugs
still keeping her dignity

May 24th, 2013

As I pass scent embraces me
bringing memories of grandma's cure all
German Chamomile
sunny faces ~subtle scent
healing herb


Full moon
magic night
crickets sing
blooming Tilia
sweetens breeze

May 25th, 2013
Solar stars
spill across
the path
All day they gather sun rays storing them within
when darkness falls they paint our paths with stars
spilling their golden treasure~ bringing light into our night.

Do fairies dance in those golden rays
absorbing both moonlight and sunlight
is their magic thus doubly blessed ?


May 26th, 2013

We savor our evening meal
outside as dusk draws near
the sun~a golden eye
peers through pine branches
one last time
we pause to bid it adieu
as it slips down behind the hills
on it's way
to grace your day

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